little things they do that you love

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[with: megumi, nobara, itadori, gojo] f.

-> MEGUMI you absolutely love the way his tongue slightly sticks out when he's concentrated on something important, especially when he's reading. sitting in an oversized arm chair, legs crossed, one foot slightly shaking back and forth as his eyes are glued to the pages, every so often flipping a page. you could watch him for hours- the way his eyes scan the pages, his tongue sticking out a bit, eyebrows furrowed in concentration- every once in a while, he looks up at you, eyes meeting yours causing a blush to paint your cheeks as he gives you a small smile, shaking his head slightly as he goes back to his book

-> NOBARA one thing nobara does that you adore is the way her eyes light up when she sees food- it doesn't really matter what kind, any food or even the mention of food is enough for her eyes to slightly sparkle. as you both sit down, the waiter bringing out the plates full of steaming food, you look over to see nobara resting her head nonchalantly against her hand, trying to hide her excitement at the sight of all the dishes heading towards her

-> ITADORI you adore how itadori always finds the littlest things the most exciting- the pigeon walking around in front of him? fascinating. getting to hold hands with you? even better. but what always gets you is finding him staring at you, no matter what you're doing he loves to watch "yu, ur staring again" "i know" mans fully owns up to it cause he just can't take his eyes off u. it doesn't matter if you're doing work or just watching tv, half the time, he's watching you more than the screen

-> GOJO its the way that he always has random sweets on him that you adore, always opting to pull out a sweet at the worst of moments, happily munching away before realizing you might one too, holding out the carefully wrapped good and asking you if you'd like one. he also always seems to have a knack for knowing when you want one, always swooping in, resting his hands on your waist before pulling out one, dropping it in your hand with bright smile mans knows he's irresistible

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