reacting to your daughter saying she has a boyfriend

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[with: nanami, gojo, geto] f.

she's like in first or second grade

-> GOJO had been sitting on the couch when you and your daughter had walked through the door, hand in hand, eyes bright with excitement as he walks over to where you both stand "hey toru" "hey babe" he murmurs, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before getting eye level with your child "hey princess, how was school?" he watches as she pauses, looking up towards you as you give her a reassuring nod before turning back to gojo "i gotta boyfriend!!" dude dies on the spot "a What?" "a boyfriend daddy!" gojo frowns, cocking an eyebrow as he looks up at you "a boyfriend eh? you know boys are smelly right? they're dirty and annoying and loud and never think before they do anything-" "daaaad- not funny" he can't help but smile, tousling her hair as he stands up to see you with your arms crossed, eyeing him carefully "for now you're my princess ok? i don't feel like sharing" "but dad-" "nope" yeah... he gets no hugs for a solid week

-> NANAMI had just come home from work, already pulling off his tie, letting out a soft sigh before searching for you two, finding you both sitting at the dining room table, already eating dinner "hi ken" you smile, turning towards him as he presses a soft kiss to your temple, breathing in your scent before turning just in time to find your daughter barreling towards him, seat abandoned near by "dadddy!!! guess what?" "what?" "i've got a boyfriend!" man freezes, slowly pulling away from your daughter, eyes widening by the second "excuse me?" "a boyfriend!" "no you don't" he huffs, standing up, bringing your daughter with him, hoisting her over his shoulder "ur all mine, ok princess?" he gets a fit of giggles in response, glancing down at you to see you smiling, gaze soft as he walks towards the kitchen "what'do we not have?" "a boyfriend?" "that's right."

-> GETO sighed as he dropped onto the couch beside you, moving so he was laying fully on top of you, your arms encircled around him as your daughter ran into the room, jumping on top of both of you "dad!!!" "hey half pint- watchya doin?" "i gotta boyfriend!" you can see him smirk, hand moving to rest on your side, squeezing slightly as if to ask if you knew about this as you look away, pretending to not have noticed "do ya now?" mhm hm!" "well darling, you promised me- no boyfriends till your outta college" "not fair" you can see her pout as she moves to climb off you two, geto grabbing her arm as he sits up, pulling her into his lap "i can't let just anyone date my little girl, they've gotta be special" you feel her gaze rest on you, shaking your head, geto's word being final "you know who you do have though?" "who?" "me"

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