2) The Angel's Advice (Horror + Angst)

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POV 석진

My parents were fighting. Again.

I sighed. I was only fourteen, I didn't deserve this shit. They need serious mental checkup. If they can't stand each other, they should just get divorced. Easy.

I don't care whom I live with, both of them are the same. I couldn't take more of their yelling so I decided that a walk would refresh my mood.

I put on my casual shoes and opened the door to just escape this shit. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents but I've just had enough.

I know that they love each other too much to let go. I just need an escape right now.

"Seokjin! Where are you going?" My dad asked when I was about to leave.

"Out." Was my cold reply.

Kicking every rock in front of my vision, I sighed frowning. I hated it here. I didn't want to stay in that house anymore.

Then suddenly I realized that I had come across to a completely isolated road. Even the chirping of birds and sounds of the crickets had stopped.

It was 1:00 AM.

I suddenly heard gentle and soft footsteps from behind me. I froze. "It's nothing, Seokjin. Just your imagination." I spoke to myself. Then turned around to almost jump out of my skin.

There was a boy standing in front of me. He seemed about my age. He extended his hand. There was a sort of funny expression on his face- not a smile, not a frown. Just a knowing sadness curtained over his features.

"I'm Kim Namjoon." He said. I managed to blurt my name out. Then I attempted to ask him, "How did you--"

"Can we walk?" He gestured towards the road.

Too frozen to respond, I nodded and we started walking to the deeper portion of the neighborhood.

Hours passed without us noticing. I actually enjoyed conversing with him and didn't feel one ounce of fear anymore.

None of us noticed, but we had walked into another neighborhood. Suddenly my watch's alarm went off. I had set it to remind me that its too late to play Mario Kart and I should sleep.

It read; 3:00 AM. My eyes widened. "Oh, shoot! Namjoon, it's too late. I need to head home." I informed the boy, disappointed that time passed away so quickly.

"I'll walk you home." He said.

We didn't talk until we reached the driveway of my house. He stopped, looked at me stern and deep in the eyes and whispered, "Never wander in the streets alone at night."

I blinked at him, confused. Before I could say anything, he was already leaving. I gasped.

The back of his shirt was soaked in still dripping blood, leaving a morbid trail of blood behind him.

I was about to call him back, but the voice of my mother interrupted me.

"Jin! What the hell are you doing outside at this hour of night? Where have you been? Get inside right now young man!"

I didn't reply and went upstairs to my room expressionless and got inside my comforter. It took me an hour or so to fall asleep.

The next morning, I joined my parents for breakfast. Just like a normal day, me eating my boring breakfast, mom washing the dishes and dad reading newspaper.

But he was frowning. After a while he spoke up. "Do you know a boy named Kim Namjoon?"

I froze. Namjoon. My spoon stopped halfway through my mouth. A chill went down my spine.

"He lived around here. He was your age." His frown deepened and he continued. "He was murdered last night. It was the doing of some bullies along the RM street. Around eleven or something it says here."

I was frozen. It was him, Namjoon. The murdered boy. The sadness in his eyes, the blood, the whispered warning...

I had met the murdered boy just hours after his death...

I could feel the tears pricking in my eyes. I quickly faced my breakfast to hide my tears.

(T▽T) Don't touch me...

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