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Thank you very much for reading my very first story. My heart explodes for your biggest support throughout the entire story. My deepest gratitude to my 23, 25, 26 (WN Fam) for being my first readers and my second family, my treasure and my favorites.

To my dreinosaurs - who believed and supported me to write this story. I love you all so much eventhough we are so small. Promise that one day, we will be bigger.

To my family, eventhough all of you don't care about me writing stories... I still thank you for it, atleast y'all know that I write all the imaginations running wild in my mind and had been able to craft it thoroughly.

To Authentic_Writer4 and Seneradipity — my old pen name had molded me to become the person I am right now, an aspirinh writer with hopes of having a book to become published and sold to book stores. And lastly, to my pen name, ierdynosius, we still have a lot of stories to tell.

To my Volleyball Team Mates during G7 and G8 sportsfest... We made such a great them. I had so much fun playing with all of you guys. Kahit na talo tayo, ang saya at naging patas ang laban. We fairly fought in the games. Atleast, nagkaroon tayo cooperation at team work. Kung nababasa niyo 'to, continue pursuing your dreams and passion in life and don't give up. Kaya n'yo yan!

Thank you for being with me 'til the end. I'll serve you more stories with my bleeding pen and share it to all of you. I love you.


"He believes that every dinosaur needs to drink a wine. Rawr!" - ierdynosius

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