Chapter 32

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Over 2 months had passed and Jessica and Charlie were settled comfortably in the burrow, Molly and Arthur had helped them the best they could but Charlie insisted that they allow him to care for Jessica. Charlie hadn't told his brothers and sister the gender of his and Jessica's baby, they were all having a bet.

Fred, George, Ron and Ginny warned their parents, Charlie and Jessica not to reveal the babies gender, they wanted to find out when the baby was born. Which could be soon, Jessica was 38 weeks and there were only two weeks until her due date.

Molly had knitted many clothes for her first grandchild though she had to hide them, from Fred and George who had been trying to cheat at their bet. Ginny had her own way of trying to get the reveal of her future niece or nephews genders.

"Have you thought of any names yet?" she asked Jessica

"We have a few in mind," Jessica said, Ginny sat closer to Jessica wait for some answers "We want to see them before we decide on a name,"

"Oh, Jess that's not fair,"

"You all agreed you didn't want to know," she laughed, holding her much heavier bump,

"I know, but I can't wait any longer," Ginny said, "I'm just excited to be an aunt,"

"Well hopefully you won't have to wait- ahh," Jessica said clutching her stomach

"Are you alright?" Ginny asked, sitting up as Jessica's tone of voice changed

"Yeah, I'm fine I just - Woah!"

"Charlie!" Ginny shouted,

Fred and George hurried into the room, wands up ready for whatever Ginny was shouting about. They hurried outside to get their mum, Ron walked in then left straight away to get Charlie. Molly walked in and sat calmly with Jessica, help her through her breathing exercises.

"Where is he?" Jessica asked

"He's right here, don't you worry dear everything going to be alright," Molly said, Charlie hurtled through the house,

"Jess, I'm here," he said "hey look at me," he said smiling at her "I'm going to take you to the hospital,"

"But I'm not due yet," Jessica said, in denial of being in labour.

"That doesn't matter, even if you aren't in labour we should go anyway," Charlie said,

Charlie helped to lift Jessica off of the sofa, Molly helped Jessica as she was going to the hospital with them. Arthur was staying at the Burrow with Fred, George, Ron and Ginny they were about to find out who won their bet, and they were hoping they could switch their bets before the baby was born.

A few hours had passed, Arthur had been waiting patiently for Molly to inform him of their grandchild's safe arrival. Arthur was also waiting so he along with Charlie's brothers and sister, could go to the hospital and see the baby. Arthur had finally received word of the baby birth, he shook Ginny and Ron awake who had fallen asleep, as it was almost 1:30 in the morning.

"Come on, Fred, George, we're leaving are you coming?" Arthur called upstairs to them,

"We aren't about to be cheated out of a bet," Fred said

"But if we wanted to stay home and sleep, is it a boy or a girl?" George asked

"You told us never to tell under any circumstances, that includes late-night births," Arthur reminded him.

Arthur hurried Ron, Ginny, Fred and George, through their Floo network to St. Mungo's Hospital. Molly met them at the main entrance, she looked as though she had been crying, happy tears, of course, she had the biggest smile Arthur had ever seen on her face.

"How's Jessica doing?" Arthur asked

"She did great," Molly told him

"Can we see them, mum?" Ginny asked,

Molly nodded her head, she warned them to be quiet as Jessica was resting. As the rest of the Weasley walked into Jessica's room, they saw Charlie slumped on a chair, evidently tired himself. In his arms was a tiny baby, the baby's beige blanket didn't help anyone guess the baby's gender.

"Charlie, can I hold them?" Ginny asked, quietly so she didn't wake Jessica

"Yeah," Charlie said, standing up so Ginny could sit in his place, "watch his head," Charlie said as he lowered his baby into Ginny's arms.

"What's his name?" Arthur asked,

"Arthur Weasley," Charlie said, "he'll probably get called Archie,"

"Another Weasley boy," Ron said, happy he wasn't the youngest boy any more

"I wanted a girl, so I wasn't the only girl," Ginny said,

"You aren't the only girl, Jessica is a part of our family too," Charlie said, Ginny smiled at him.

"I'm looking for Charlie Weasley," a voice was heard from outside, Charlie looked up from the room, he told his family to stay with Jessica for a moment.

"I'm glad you could make it," he embraced a woman, with bubblegum pink hair

"Do you want to meet him?" Charlie asked,

"You bet your ass I do," Tonks said, following Charlie into the hospital room

Tonks smiled as she saw Charlie's family, she hugged Molly and Arthur, as well as Ginny and Ron, while fist-bumping Fred and George. Charlie took Archie from his dad who had been holding him, since Ginny's arms got tired, Charlie showed him to Tonks.

"He looks just like you Charlie, except the hair," Tonks said, looking over at Jessica with a smile "he has his mother's,"

"You want to hold him, Godmother," Charlie said,

"I don't believe I'm mature enough to be responsible for a baby," she commented, "and with the Harper asleep, I think it's a little-

"We both agreed for you to be his godmother. So I'll ask again do you want to hold him?" Charlie said

"Oh go on then," Tonks she holding the small baby boy. "I'm going to teach you how to annoy your dad, just you wait little Weasley,"

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