Chapter 49

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The month of November went by too quickly for Jessica's liking, the days seem to go by quickly. She hadn't realised that her father had made plans to head home for Christmas as much as she didn't want him to leave. Charlie had also mentioned going home for Christmas, though he was still indecisive about heading home.

Charlie sat in the kitchen looking through the final reports for the new animals' wellbeing. He was pleased to know that the Peryton's had settled in well. Though he was was more intrigued by Jessica boldness to let the Wampus Cats out of the enclosure.

"No! Mummy No!" Charlie heard Archie yell from the living room, he hurried inside, Jessica was rubbing her jaw, she stood up, walking away from Archie.

"What wrong with him?"

"He's doesn't want to get dressed, and he's just kicked me in the face," she walked into the kitchen,

"River!" Archie shouted

"No you don't get to play with River," Charlie said, kneeling down to Archie, "you don't kick mummy, you could really hurt her,"

"Are you alright?" Charlie asked

"Yeah, he got me pretty good," A loud thud was heard at the window, despite there being another window opened

"Errol, bloody owl he's as blind as a bat," Charlie said, taking the letter from the bird.

Dear Charlie,

I don't want to worry you, but your brothers, sister and I are staying at Grimmauld Place over Christmas, you are more than welcome to come, I already spoke to Aimee Black. Apparently the more the better, between you and me I think she just wants to see little Archie.

If you aren't comfortable staying at Grimmauld Place you could always have the Burrow to yourselves. I do hope you spend Christmas with us. I've got my work cut out for me this year, I'm making sweaters for the whole Black family and the Potters it's going to be a busy year indeed.

I hope Errol didn't hurt himself again, could you help him in any way?

Give Jessica and Archie my love.

Love Mum.

"Jessica, I'm off home darling," Her father called,

"Alright, let me know when you get to uncle Jack's, and tell Aunt Lauren I still haven't found that book she wanted, don't forget Louisa said she'd give you have first Quidditch program for me, give Katherine a love from me-

"You act as though I'm forgetful,"

"Love you, Dad," she wrapped her arms around her,

"Love you too, look after yourself,"

"Grandad!" Archie said, pulling on his trousers,

"Yes, I'll miss you too, behave for you mummy and daddy," he gave Archie a cuddle, he handed Archie to Jessica who took him to the living room. He waited until Jessica was out of earshot,

"Charlie, I'm off, could you do me a favour?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"I haven't told Jessica, but I'm going to stay in England, there's just so much that I could do to help the order with, I don't want to worry Jessica not now,"

"I understand, I'll talk to her," he nodded at Charlie, he picked up his bag heading for the door.

"Sam," Charlie said, stopping him, "my parents are staying at 12 Grimmauld Place, in London, I'm sure my dad would love, your company,"

"Thanks, you're a good guy, I'll owl you at some point,"


Jessica worried immensely for her father, rumours of the Dark Lord's return was enough for her to be cautious. Even if a boy she didn't know started the rumours, she had only met Harry briefly, when he attended the Quidditch World cup with his family but ended up with Ron most of the game.

She double-checked that they had packed everything, Charlie decided to stay at the Burrow until the twins were born. They were due in February, it only meant staying a few months after Christmas, he thought it would be easier for Jessica, less stressful than being around all the creatures.

"Are you ready?" Charlie asked, she held her finger up, thinking if she had left anything

"Yes, am I forgetting anything?" Charlie looked over their bags,

"It's doesn't look like it," he said, she breathed holding her big bump, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just need to sit down for two minutes," he kissed her forehead

"I'll get Archie and River ready to leave," he left her, Jessica took deep breaths, carrying twins was a lot different to when she had Archie, she was half the size she was with her first.

"You need any help?" Charlie asked, noticing Jessica struggle to get up,

"A little," she said, Charlie held her arm lifting her up, "I'll hold River, I think she'll be easier than Archie,"

A few hours later, the little family arrived in Devon, England. They were only a few ten minutes away from the Burrow, Jessica was right River was easier than Archie, River calmly beside Jessica. While Charlie had a squirming Archie in his arms, he was having temper tantrums left, right and centre.

Most of the time it was over silly little things, Jessica hoped that Archie would calm down before the twins were born. Or else they would have their hands full with Archie and two newborns, Archie waved his hands when he saw the Burrow.

"Nana! Grandad!" Archie called walking around the kitchen, and living.

"There aren't here, we'll see them soon," Charlie said, Jessica immediately sat down on the sofa, trying to get comfortable, Errol hit the window to the kitchen. Charlie took the letter from him.

Dear Charlie,

Your father was attacked at work, he's still at St. Mungo's, the mediwitch said he'll make a full recovery. We're hoping he'll come home for Christmas, I don't want you to worry about him, I just wanted you to know from me rather than finding out from someone else.

Love Mum.

Fiery Dragon | 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘞𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘺Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora