(Monster! Law X Reader) You, a struggling researcher, decide to take a great risk in order to make ends meet. Either you succeed and become the latest icon within your career, or you meet an unsavory fate to the monsters in your way.
Warning: Non-Con elements (kinda???)
This was it, today was definitely the day.
With a pinched brow, you wiped off the piling sweat gathering along your temple and almost immediately regretted it, as the rough contact flared up your sunburn once again.
Cradled at the bottom of the rolling dunes was a crumbling erection of fine metals and eroded stones that you imagined were quite polished and marvelous in the peak of their time.
You've had your eye on this tomb for two months now, a discovery that nearly had you in tears after searching the desert for so long without any notable luck besides a run in with the odd Sandworm or Griffon.
If you were like anybody else, you probably would have made a beeline for the monument and stroll right inside, however, unlike any other person, you were a self-proclaimed, well educated monster researcher, and you were aware of the innumerable dangers that laid in such foolhardy actions.
The moment you approach that ruin, you'd be accosted by Sphinxes, and even if you managed to get past them, then you'd have to tangle with the undead army of Mummies lurking about inside.. and if this tomb was one protected by an Anubis, may the Chief Deity have mercy on you.
So, instead of waltzing towards a certain kidnapping, you've resorted to more.. unsavory means yourself.
For the past two months, you've been hiring imprudent adventurers and luring naive travelers to brave the ruins, letting them become victims of the Sphinxes, Griffons and Mummies themselves, distracting the guards and clearing a path for you to the innermost sanctum of the tomb.
And now, after so long of dancing around your goal and preparing everything for the plunge, it was time to take action.
You were going to enter that fucking tomb even if it got you losing all innocence.
Before leaving, you took longer than probably needed to clear up the campsite and gather everything you needed in your exploit- being unable to completely tame the anxiousness welling beneath your collected facade.
With a deep breath, and a tight grip on the handles of your backpack, you slid down the dunes and approached the temple.
As expected, there wasn't a Sphinx to be seen once you made it to the entrance, and none came out to greet you once you got close enough to bathe under the shadow of the building.
Allowing yourself a small smile in triumph, you continued to march inside the dark, musty corridors of the tomb.
At first it was quite quiet- causing you to grow inconceivably paranoid to the extreme, however, as you progressed through the winding tunnels, you became aware that you were indeed not alone.
Your face burned at the sound of moans and skin slapping against skin throughout various chambers, you even came across a few couples face to face, and the only thing that kept you from toppling over in humiliation was the fact that the lovers never even noticed you speeding by, too caught up in each other to even spare the outside world a thought.
As you planned, all of the people you've lured into this place have been held captive by the guards inside, seduced into submission and converted into adoring wives and husbands for the monsters to take advantage of for an unthinkable time to come.
When you first put this strategy into practice, you were overcome with nausea and guilt, almost driven into sickness at the thought of how miserable they all would be upon understanding they could never leave this place again.
However, upon hearing and seeing them now, you came to realize that all of your guilt was for naught.
Aside from walking in on the occasional frenzied couple, your venture was going off without a hitch, although, only excluding the single instance where one couple boldly invited you to join in on their antics.
It wasn't until you reached the deepest parts of the tomb did things start to escalate.
All of the moans and cries of the monsters and humans have faded into a muted, suffocating silence, evidently, this was the one place where they were not meant to touch- the Pharaoh's chambers.
Despite the silence, the hairs on your back were rigid as nails, your body betrayed the cold sweat dripping down the small of your back, and if you didn't know any better, you'd say you were in the beginning throes of a panic attack.
The only reasonable explanation for such a reaction was that you were indeed not alone.. somewhere, anywhere in the surrounding darkness, a predator was watching you.
An Anubis no doubt... luckily, from the information you remember reading up on them, they were intelligent, level-headed monsters, and were highly unlikely to blindly jump humans like most.
Steadying your nerves with a raddled breath, you clenched your eyes tight in fear before forcefully opening them again with a firm expression of determination, "I know you're there.. please don't curse me, I'm not a grave robber"
The temperature of the room felt as if it was staggering before a calm set of steps sounded out, and a shadowed figure crept out from behind the pillar they were hidden by.
"Bold of you to assume that I'd take the word of a human.. or that defiling this place with your presence isn't enough incentive to curse you here and now"
There was a heavy bang of metal striking the ground, and oil lamps all around burst alight, illuminating both the room and your monstrous company in an ancient glow.
Just as you surmised, an Anubis stood before you with a haughty, scornful gaze, so powerful that you wondered if he wasn't cursing you outright at this very moment.
"If not to thieve, why have you come here?"
Blinking out of your daze at that, you reached into your satchel and clumsily pulled out your journal, unknowingly rambling in your haste to convince them not to mummify you.
"I- I'm a monster researcher, of old- the old monsters, the way they used to be.. y'know, before the new Overlord..? Anyway! I've been documenting all of the information I can about how monsters used to be, before they got.. kinky er- whatever, and I was wondering if I could research the hieroglyphs in the tomb..? Record all of the information on how the desert monsters used to be?"
You pursed your lips in an awkward, sweaty smile as the Anubis just stood there with a blank face, he blinked a few times, as if absorbing all of your words a few moments too late, before giving you a questionable frown.
"You.. came here, to research the hieroglyphs..?" He said it blatantly slow, as if trying to make you realize something by repeating it in that fashion.
"Yes" you nodded, feeling slightly at ease.
His frown turned into a grimace, face resembling close to one who'd eaten a raw lemon, "you humans- are you serious? You decided to waltz into this tomb, full of monsters eager for spouses to read the walls?"