3 | do you need me?

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do you need me?
do you favor me?
do you feel like
you can't live
without me?

no. you don't.

you need me
when you need me
you favor me
when you have
no one else
to favor
you can't live
without me
when you run out
of things to live for

do I need you?
do I favor you?
do I feel like
I can't live
without you?

yes. i do.

I need you
when there's no one
who needs me
I favor you
because you
deserve it
I can't live
without you
when you have
defined everything
I live for

so why do I
wait for you
to need me
to favor me
to say
you can't live
without me

why do I stay
why do I love
the way your name
slip from my lips
when you can't
even do the same
to me?

april 15, 2021

every thing is sadDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora