Chapter 8

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"Can we please have another baby?" Carina begged. "Just one bella?"

Maya sighed and then turned around to face the brunette who sat there on the bed. They were getting ready for work that morning. Maya woke up just a little bit earlier than the rest of them. Ever since they whole "baby talk" the two had, Carina had been begging for another baby.

Maya on the other hand kept putting it off. Why you may ask. We have no idea. But everyday at some point, Carina called, texted, and one time she even emailed her about having another one. She made it really clear that she was ready for this.

"I'll go get Luca ready." Maya said abruptly which then made Carina's whole mood change. Carina sighed and then got out of bed.

"Your mommy wants another baby." Maya said to the boy as she buttoned up his shirt. "Can you believe that?" He looked at her just a little confused. Not sure what side he wanted to be on. Once Maya was finished with his outfit, they walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth and do his hair. "Bubs it's time for you to get a haircut." She said as she brushed through the stands of hairs. "We should go do that this weekend."

Carina walked down to the hallway and into the kitchen to get started on breakfast and to make lunches. She wasn't giving up on convincing Maya to have another baby. When the two of them came downstairs, she quickly changed her facial expression. "Good morning bubs." She told the boy as he got comfortable in his chair. Carina placed down a plate of cut up apple and a couple raspberries as well. The french toast sticks were still in the microwave.

"I'm leaving now." Maya said as she walked towards the door. Placing a kiss on the top of Luca's head and walking into the kitchen to give one to Carina. "Good bye my love." She said.
"Bye bella."

Once Carina dropped off the boy at school, she made her way to the hospital. Walking up to her office. But being greeted by Amelia and Arizona as the two of them sat on the couches in the room. "Good morning Dr. Deluca." Amelia said extra preppy.
"Carina, good morning." Arizona said following along right behind her. Carina stopped and turned around to face the two ladies.
"What did you guys do?"
"Nothing!" They both said at the same time.
"Guys. What did you do?"
"Nothing, we're serious." Amelia said. Carina shook her head and then sat down at her desk to get started on some work.

"You look tense." Amelia said. "What's wrong?" Carina looked up and shook her head again.
"Carina come on. Something is wrong."
"It's nothing Amelia."
"Please. A lot of people asked me what was wrong and I always said nothing. Turns out I had a tumor growing on my brain. So please in lighting me on what's wrong."
"I want another baby, but Maya has been iffy about it."
"Oh,The baby talk. I remember that talk."
"Yep! I want another baby as well but Link not so much."
"How is Scout by the way?"
"Good. But stop changing the subject."
"Nothing. We'll talk about this at lunch. Good bye!"

Maya walked into the beanery for lunch. Along with the rest of the team who was already fixing their plates for lunch. They had just got back from a call. Nothing too serious but nothing too light. And as always the team did amazing work.
"Good work today everyone." Maya said as she sat down at the table. There were a round of 'thank you' followed up behind her statement.

Maya still was a little tensed up from her actions with Carina this morning. She knew that it had made her upset just a bit. It was written all over her face. Maya didn't mean to make her upset or sad. It was just a very confusing morning for the both of them. "Hey Maya." Andy said snapping her out of her thoughts.
"You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"I'm fine."
"Sure you are. What's going on with you?"
"Family stuff."
"Ooo family stuff. Spill!!" Vic said getting in on the conversation.
"Carina wants to have another baby-"

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