Chapter 11

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"Bella are you sure your ok?" Carina asked as she watched her wife run to the bathroom for the 5th time tonight. It wasn't even 4:00 in the morning yet and this was her 5th time running to the bathroom.
"Yea I'm ok!" Maya yelled from the inside. She kept locking the door so that Carina didn't walk into the bathroom.

"Maya bella!" Carina said as she walked into the bathroom. Apparently the lock didn't work.
"No I don't want you to see me!" Maya said as she tried to get Carina out the bathroom. Maya was sick. Like Luca sick. She couldn't keep any type of food or drink down in her system and you could tell she was really dehydrated.

"Bella." Carina said firmly. Maya looked up with watery eyes at the tall brunette who stood before her.
"I don't like being sick. And I hate when you see me like this." She said with a couple tears falling out her eyes. If there was one thing that changed Maya when she was sick was that it made her a little bit more emotional. Carina wiped her tears and then placed a kiss on the top of her head.
"I don't care if I see you sick, Maya. Your still cute no matter what. If anything this makes you even cuter."

Maya rolled her eyes and then looked down at the floor. "You finish your business in here and then let me take care of you."
And then Carina walked out and went down to the kitchen.

As the morning quickly approached the family, it was not off to a good start. Luca and Maya, both just so happened to have had to be puking at her same time. Carina stayed with the younger child as she knew Maya could help herself. "Back in bed we go." She said as she rubbed his back. Carina tucked him back into bed. Before she left he took his temperature again. "100.4." She said. "Once we get this fever to break you'll be alright bubs." She said a ruffed his hair a little before walking out. Of course she had to turn on the tv as well before she left. "I'll be back in a little bit bubs."

Carina then made her way back to Maya. She was in the bed under the blankets when Carina came. "Why is it so cold?" Maya said.
"Bella, it's 90 degrees outside and 83 degrees in the house."
"It's still cold."
"I'm not turning the heat on."
"Please?" Maya begged. Carina shook her head no and then Maya threw a fit. "Come here so I can check your temperature." Carina said. Maya brought her head closer and Carina took it.
"What is it?"
"I'm never gonna break that fever!"
"Yes you will. Stop pouting like a baby please."
"Fine." Maya said and rolled her eyes. Carina pulled the blankets over Maya and then gave her the tv remote so that she could watch tv.

As the both of Carina's loves were taking a nap, Carina finally took this chance to clean. She disinfected everything. Making sure that there were no more germs spreading everywhere. She ended up doing some laundry and once she was finished she was able to finally get some peace and quiet in the house. Even though yesterday was Carina's birthday she knew she wasn't gonna spend her weekend celebrating it. At first it was just Luca who they were gonna take care off, but now it's Maya and Luca.
Carina just had this feeling that she was gonna be next in line to get this bug that's floating around her house, but it was only a matter of time.

As Carina heard Maya waking up again and throwing up, she quickly got up and ran to their bedroom. "I tried to make it." Maya said as she was draped over the toilet. Carina looked over and saw the puddle laying there.
"It's alright bella. I'll clean it." Carina said as she walked into the bathroom to pull Maya's hair into a ponytail. Stroking her back up and down. "I hate being sick." Maya said as she walked over to the sink to brush her teeth and wash her face.
"I know but it's only the first day of being sick for you. Also you need to eat something and drink something so you don't get dehydrated."
"I don't want to."
"You need to bella."
"What do I have to eat?"
"Something. Try to eat those graham crackers for me." Carina said as she pointing to them on the counter. "And drink water of course." She said.
"I'll try."
"Thank you bella."

The day went by slow for the family. Luca eventually broke his temperature so he and Carina cuddled a bit on the couch. He was still a little dehydrated but at least he was able to eat something. Maya on the other hand was at her worst peak with this sickness. Which happened to be a 24 hour stomach bug. "Carina!!" Maya yelled. Carina quickly got up from the couch and ran off to their room. "Yes bella?" She said as she walked into the room.
"I want cuddles." Maya begged.
"Bella." Carina said and then walked over to the bed. She slowly crawled into bed and then Maya snuggled up very close to her. "I love you Carina." She whispered.
"I love you too bella."

A/N: Two chapters in one day. This one is a little short cute chapter, so I hope you guys enjoyed. Enjoy your weekend. - Shay :))

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