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Three months earlier

I sit down at the computer, swiping my palm across the desk to access the confidential government files whose entry keypad is in a chip in the desk, an action I've done a thousand times now, but what I see when I gain entry is surprising.

The first file is new - I've never seen it before. I glance around to make sure no-one's looking, then open it. I know I could get put in isolation if I'm caught, but my curiosity is too great.

I open the file.

Government History, it reads.

I scroll down the screen, intrigued.


It doesn't give a password though, as I'm already in the document, and I'm free to keep looking.

Article #1: uncensored history of the Great Libatica. Author: Sammy Tubb; blogger for "The Revival Project".

After the first depletion of fossil fuels by the United Nations to the United States in 2021, on the grounds of irreparable damage to surrounding environment and human habitation due to their overuse, the President invested in nuclear power stations, one for every state. These power stations combatted the loss of fossil fuels for a time, until an earthquake in the capital city of California caused the reactors to burst and nuclear waste to contaminate the water, the earth and humans.

These humans became known as mutations, as opposed to the small group of humans who survived with only physical injuries, because they had been mutated by the nuclear waste into something...different.

It has been said that these citizens formed the race now called the Genetics, but in fact this is not true. The government found the survivors and removed them from the decimated land, offering them a deal. Survival in return for pooling their genes to create a perfect race of people, faster and stronger and deadlier.

This was hundreds of years ago, however, and the mutated individuals have since died out, leaving humanity with a group of unscathed humans that fall into two categories: those who accepted the government's deal, and those who did not.

Those who did went on to create the Genetics.

Those who did not are planning a rebellion. They think the Genetics are abominations, wrong, a blight on the earth. They are intent on destroying those the government have created.

The government are intent on destroying them, and achieving their dream of a perfect world, a perfect race of people that will make it a better place.

A crash jolts me from my reading, and I quickly close down the file and delete my search history. I look around in alarm, but the crash was only a silver metal box falling off a shelf, surrounded by many others. None of the white-suited aides are watching, so I crawl over to the box and open its lid. Thoughts fly through my head as I gaze upon the printed words, shock keeping the words from filtering into my understanding. All I can see so far is that it's a list.

I stare down at it for a second longer, taking in the names.

List #24: Known Genetically Modified Individuals (GMI)

Kyle Andover

Jason Chase

Susannah Cooper

Zachary Coleman

Arthur Dent

Richard Dawson

Elliot Goldfinch

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