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Seven days later

He isn't talking to me. Hasn't for a week.

He's basically ignoring me - he'll barely meet my eyes; looks away and doesn't answer me whenever I speak to him.

He was true to his word, though, I'll give him that - I was woken up at six by a tired-looking Frex for our morning training session, led by Knox, who works us harder than Luc ever did. But in a way I think he's done me a favour.

Vi has become stuck in the middle, trying to get him to talk to me, and breaking the news to me again and again that he doesn't want to. Every night I dream of him calling me Anya, of the anguish in his voice the last time he was ever really mine, and every morning he stares at the floor when I try to say hello. I'll stop bothering eventually, but for now something in me can't stop trying. I can't lose him.

But in a way I already have.


The training room is quiet, the only sound his laboured breaths as he punches the dummy again and again. My feet walk towards him, heart in my mouth. "Luc," I whisper when I get close, and he stops moving. His whole body goes still, then he lets out a breath as he turns around. I expect to see those now-familiar hard eyes and unreadable expression, but when he faces me, his eyes are liquid green.

"Anya." His voice is soft, kind. Not that calm, icy tone he'd used that day a week ago.

My whole being goes limp with relief. Thank God. He's not angry anymore.

He steps toward me slowly, cautiously. "Anya," he repeats, voice hoarse. His eyes search mine. "Can you ever forgive me?"

I let out a surprised laugh. "Me, forgive you?"

He nods, anguish in his eyes.

"Why?" I ask, mystified. "I provoked you-"

He shakes his head. "No. You apologised immediately - you said yourself you had no idea where that came from. I, however, behaved abominably - I continued as if you hadn't apologised, and shut you out of my life. I'm sorry for that," he whispers, and I know he hates himself for what he did. I close the distance between us and wrap him in a hug, knowing he will take solace from the gesture. "Thank you," he says, taking it for the forgiveness it is. "And I'm sorry I'm not your mentor anymore," he continues. "I was going to anyway, but I just - I don't know what happened, and I sprung it on you. I'm sorry." He sighs. "Do you still forgive me?" He asks.

"Of course," I say, laughingly, then turn serious. "Always."

I notice he said he was going to transfer he to Knox anyway, but he doesn't elaborate. I let it go, even though I'd like to know why. He must have his reasons. "Hey," he says suddenly, breaking me out of my reverie. "Want to train? For old times' sake?" He adds softly. I just nod, and he grins at the tears shining in my eyes. "I'd love to."


"Block, Anya, block." Luc says laughingly, watching me run at him again. "All my hits are slipping through." He shakes his head. "What does Knox teach you, anyway?"

I shrug. "Shooting," I say casually. "Rifles."

"You know how to aim a rifle. I taught you that months ago."

I grin, laughing. "I know. You could always-"

He shakes his head. "I can't. I wish I could, but the process of mentor transferral is irreversible." His shoulders sag, and he groans, running a hand over his sweaty face. "What've I done?" but then he laughs, brightening with a laugh. "You have full permission to call me stupid."

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