Little Troublemaker

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*****Thank M_z395 for requesting, I'm trying to write more but I keep getting distracted by the DSMP, And I have some ideas for books about them, Anyone Interested??? ANyways...Keep requesting****

Your POV

I'm happy I have Nado back but I'm so sad I can't take him anywhere. I could put him in a bag if he wouldn't meow the whole time. It's as if he doesn't want to make compromises, Cats are soo moody. He's acting as if he owns the whole world. Which if he did, I actually think he would rule pretty well, better than other people...

Anyways I was running late for school since I've been trying to find a way to hide Nado so I can take him, But he won't stay still. So I guess it's a bust. "Sorry Nado, but I'll see you later," I said grabbing my stuff and running out the door. 

-----Skip five minutes-----

I ran into my classroom. "Sorry I'm late," I said to my teacher. "It's fine, Just go sit down, so we can start class," She said. Still in the back with no one but that's fine. The class was going well until Someone screamed that something touched their leg. So everyone was freaking out, running around and looking around the floor looking for the potential culprit. "I found it!" Nino said. And my surprise it was Nado. Of course, it was. Just my luck. Most people in the class were saying "Aww". "A stray must have gotten in, I'll just call the pound." The teacher said. I raise my hand. "I'm sorry but that's my cat, It must have followed me," I said. The teacher looked disappointed. "Well, I'll give it to the principal, for now, You can get it after school," She said. "Okay," I said sitting back down quickly. She walked out of the room holding Nado...badly. She then walked back in after a few minutes and started class again. But after a while, we interrupted by scratches at the door. After ignoring it for a while the teacher finally opened the door and said Nado could stay in the classroom. This is another reason Nado could totally rule the world. He's soo cute everyone else would make compromises. I kept petting Nado and writing notes until somehow it was the end of class. Right, when we were dismissed, I walked out quickly but everyone gathered around me and started asking about Nado. Like how old is he, his name, and if they could pet him. After answering most of their questions I said I had to go meet someone. 

-----Running to the park-----

I sat there waiting for Chat Noir with Nado of course. "He's gonna love you, Yes he will. You're a little cutie" I said talking to Nado. "I get cutie a lot but where is little from? I think I'm a pretty good size" Someone said behind me. I turn to them and see Chat Noir. "Oh hello, And I wasn't addressing you, sir. I'm talking to Nado here. This was the cat I was talking about last time. He made a ruckus today" I said facing Nado towards him. "Isn't he cute?" I said. "Yes, yes I am but this guy is a close second...I guess" He said. "Well that's kinda rude, plus I think Nado's cuter," I said letting Nado down. "Really..." He said pulling me closer by pulling my chin with his fingers. 

Chat Noir/Adrien POV

Why and I doing this? WHY? I just feel more confident as Chat Noir. And plus she is really cute. But like this, it's like she's cheating on me. She isn't answering. Is it because I'm just so breathtaking.

Your POV

Personally. It's kinda hard to tell by only seeing half of someone's face but I wouldn't call him cute maybe handsome. Cute doesn't really describe him. "yeah... I wouldn't call you cute..."I said getting interrupted by my phone. I got a text from Meg 'Don't come back too late'. I turn back to see Chat Noir looking pretty said. "I need to go but yeah not cute but handsome. It's a better word to describe you." I said before walking away picking up Nado.

Chat Noir/Adrien POV

Not Cute but Handsome. Is that better? I guess either is fine. I think. Is one better?!?! I'll ask Nino later. But how is that cat cuter?!?! I'm really cute. I decide to go home. How. I land in my room. "Plagg claws off," I said. "Are you really jealous of a cat, Adrien?" Plagg said while going to get his cheese. "No... Of course not. Why would I be?... Do you think I should be though?" I said. "Of course not, It's a cat and you're a human. I think you are winning... It is a nice looking cat, it looks like me. And if it looks like me... It's great" Plagg said in the middle of eating his cheese. " You're right. It's just a cat... but cats take up a lot of attention Plagg" I said. "Adrien, you literally helped her get her cat and now you're acting like it's a problem," Plagg said. " It's not a problem... but do cats even like me? She loves it. what if it doesn't like me?" I said. "Oh well, she'll probably leave you if that happens. You're right," Plagg said. I turned to him shocked. "You're right! What should I do?" I said. "Adrien, It's called sarcasm. You have the cat miraculous, Why wouldn't cats like you?" Plagg said. "Oh ok... You're right" I said. "Of course I am. I'm always right! That means I should get more camembert." Plagg said. "You have a bunch already," I said. "Shush, Shush..." Plagg said making me shut up. "I'm always right, listen to me. And do it" Plagg said. "Fine, I'll make Natalie get it tomorrow," I said. Plagg just flew away going to get more cheese.

Your POV

I arrive home with Nado following me since he made a fuss when we were walking here. "Hey, Meg! What's up" I said. "Well, you are finally here. You can't just be gone the whole day" Meg said. "Yeah, I know. But it's so fine out there" I said. "Yeah, yeah, but you should go to sleep already, you have a shoot tomorrow, remember?" Meg said. "Oh yeah," I said going to my room already. Nado following me


This is a draft I had written. So this was easy to throw out. But I'll continue to work on this one soon and hopefully move the story along. Sorry if you were waiting for an update.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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