Chapter 27

42 16 17

Seven days left


It was pouring rain outside, making it hard for me to see the road. Somehow, that was the perfect analogy for my situation. The road ahead of me was unclear, unsafe even. Still, I took it, gripping the steering wheel tight and hoping for the best. One wrong move could cost me everything and the worst part of it all was that it wasn't just my life that was at stake here.

Once I reached the city library I walked into the main hall. If I hadn't been too caught up with my own tragedy, I would have taken the time to admire the beautiful dark marble, the tall ceilings and the smell of old books. Since I was a young boy, libraries always brought me peace.

Earlier in the morning I scribbled the serial number of the book in question on my right palm, figuring it would probably be a bad idea to bring the note with me. Still, Aria's missing persons flyer was hidden in my pocket. I couldn't bear to leave it behind.

I searched through the library for the right section, making sure that no one followed me. Trying hard to not raise any suspicion, I ignored the throbbing pain in my leg and put pressure on it normally, so I wouldn't limp.

Luckily, there were only a few people there and most of them seemed to have been workers.

My boots hit the marble floor with soft thuds, echoing through the enormous library in a comforting rhythm, the only sound audible to my ears. The closer I got to the right section, the swifter my steps were, anxious to finally get some answers.

There were lots and lots of books and comparing the serial number to each and every one of them, even just in this section, would take me all day. "Shit," I mumbled as the realisation hit me. Asking for help would raise too much suspicion, however.

I would not make the same mistake as I did last time with the barista. At this point, I couldn't afford to.

"I can do this," I said to myself. Not that I had any other option.

I narrowed the section on cartography down to the ones relating to Carlisle, my hometown and the place where most of the victims were taken and their bodies discovered. Meadow of Eden was one of the more famous national parks in the area, not for hiking however. Meadow of Eden gained its popularity merely through the media attention surrounding The Solemn Serpent. Some speculate that this is where his name is derivative of.

Its substantial size of 11.400 acres and its thick undergrowth, however, were making it unpopular for hikers or visitors. Some sections of the park were used for the timber business, but most of it was uncharted territory. Thus, the perfect habitat for a predator like The Solemn Serpent.

The story of the garden of Eden played through my mind, how Satan slithered his way into paradise, tempting Eve, and through her Adam, to eat the forbidden fruit and thus causing the fall and suffering of humanity.

"Why did Satan do that? What was in it for him?" I wondered as I scanned the books on the wooden shelf in front of me.

That thought immediately brought me back to my childhood, back to when my Dad told me the story of Satan in the garden Eden. He said something that, as a nine year old, didn't quite resonate with me but now, more than ever, carried immense meaning. He said, "Yes, Satan tempted Eve and yes, he is evil. But, and here's what some people choose to ignore, Satan didn't stuff the fruit down Eve's throat. She chose that for herself and for Adam."

That was the significant difference between the devil in Eden and the devil that I was facing. The Solemn Serpent forced his wickedness on innocent people, leaving them out of control over their own destiny.

I prayed to God that he would have mercy on Aria as he did on Adam and Eve. I prayed that he would remember that she didn't choose this and that if anyone should deserve devine punishment, it would be me, for I have turned against God all my life.

"God is merciful, Jacob," my Dad always said, "He will forgive us. You need to put your trust in Him."

Words could not describe how much I missed my Dad in that moment, how much I needed his guidance and support.

Once again my focus went back on the task ahead, scouring the books for the one that held the next clue. My eyes darted between the serial numbers on the spine of the different books and the scribbled ink on my sweaty palm.

After a long while, my eyes were getting tired but I didn't dare give up.

"How many books are there on this god-forsaken national -" I muttered, when suddenly, without immediately realising, my eyes finally found the book that matched the serial number. I made sure to check more than once that this was the right book and when I was finally convinced, it felt like electricity jumped from the book and started my heart again.

I threw my head back in triumph and grabbed the book swiftly, shuffling through the pages, hoping to find the right one.

My eyes analyzed every page, anticipating that I would find where the note was ripped out any moment.

Call it divine intervention or pure luck, but just towards the end of the book I found a page with just the corner piece missing. Someone ripped it out. My heartbeat fastened when I came to the conclusion that the ripped out corner was just about the size of the note that I found on the windshield of my car.

"Finally," I exclaimed jubilant, instantly shushing myself.

The remainder of the page showed a part of the national forest, which was quite dense and possibly one of the less explored parts of the already unknown national park.

"So, this is where he might be hiding," I thought to myself. Still, I was careful not to be foolish and cling onto that insecure hope. Somewhere deep inside of me the worry that this was all just a trap, a part of his wicked plan, was creeping around.

Quickly, I took several pictures of the map, my breathing getting unsteady in suspense.

After skimming through the pages once more, making sure I didn't miss any other obvious clues, I sent the pictures to Eddie and put the book back where I found it.

Thinking that it would be suspicious if I actually took the book with me, I simply left the library.

"Not that I have a library card anyway," I chuckled to myself.

For the last time, I took in the beauty of the library, wishing that I could just stay there and hide away. Deep inside of me, I hoped that I would visit it again one day. But realistically thinking, that was highly unlikely. At the end of this road either death or prison awaited me and I deemed either outcome inevitable.

So, I simply clung onto the hope of finding Aria before my destiny caught up with me.

I got in my car, newly revived by the map I found. While I knew that this was a massive clue and narrowed down the search significantly, I was also aware that the enormous forest had been searched many times throughout the investigation, never coming up with any signs of a serial killer roaming through it. Well, except the mutilated dead bodies that he carefully places so people would find it.

Would I be able to find the snake that was slithering its way through the forest or would he find me first, making me suffer my final nightmare?


Thank you guys for reading!!!! Please don't forget to vote and leave a comment. We are trying to reach 2k this week so please share the story with a friend...

Todays shoutout goes to TwistedNym 

Thank you so much for all the feedback :)

The Killer Among UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora