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A LOT OF things happened after the four seasons passed by like a blur. Tori, now taller than a year before, stood in front of Queen Aurina as she was summoned for the third time in this week. The familiar lilac walls of the queen's palace became Tori's new parlor. Ever since Tori announced to the high society that she sided with the aristocrats, the queen became more aggressive with her actions against the king. Queen Aurina's support for the aristocratic faction became the next revelations after Tori's. And now, the high society viewed the two of them as the powerful duo.

Tori looked at Queen Aurina who was sitting on her throne. Her red eyes met her familiar golden ones. "What did Prince Corean do this time, Your Majesty?"

Tori saw how distressed the queen was as the latter kept on massaging her forehead. Prince Corean became a pain for the queen ever since the fall. "Why did you do that, Lady Victoria? You should have accepted my son's feelings since he will be your future husband as you will be his queen."

Oh, so it's Tessa again.

Tori wickedly smiled while remembering the scene she saw earlier before she came to the Queen's palace. She saw the second prince's new accountant, Tessa, loitering around the queen's garden. That little pest. She must be imagining herself walking in that garden as the next queen.

It was a month before Tori's fifteenth birthday when Prince Corean asked for her hand since she was finally a debutante of the high society. But Tori discreetly rejected the second prince for the reason that her goal was not to become his lover but to become his Queen Regent, a title in equal standing with the empire's king.

Much to her dismay, Prince Corean rebelled. And as if fate was mocking Tori, he chose to pursue the one whom he's destined in the original plot.

"What did Tessa do with our rebellious prince, Your Majesty?"

Standing up from her throne, Queen Aurina nodded at her handmaidens. Like the usual, they're going to talk about the matter inside the queen's chamber. As Tori walked beside the queen, she asked again. "What happened now, Your Majesty?"

Since their distance with the queen's handmaidens was a good five meters after them, the queen finally spoke in a hushed and aggravated voice. "One of my handmaidens took an image of my son kissing that wretched Tessa."

So you did take my advice to take a clear shot of evidence against Tessa. And just like I said, you used the KONON camera. Bringing Tessa inside the royal palace is really a splendid idea huh.

No matter how irritating you are, Tessa, your pesky existence serves as the turning point that would make KONON camera popular in the high society's market. So please create as many scenes as you want because it will never change the fact that you're a sewer rat.

"I am glad that you heed my advice, Your Majesty. The KONON camera could be used in such a way."

They entered the familiar golden rose walls of the queen's chamber. The handmaidens immediately prepared the queen's favorite tea, Oolong tea, and Tori's favorite which was the Chamomile tea. The two of them sat on their usual seat facing the balcony of the room. As the handmaidens finished their task, they dashed outside the room as they were told the very first time.

"Lady Victoria, you remember our deal right?" The warning that was hidden in her golden eyes was met by Tori's innocent ones.

"I never forgot, Your Majesty. I will be the Vesta candidate of the aristocratic faction with Prince Corean as the king of my choosing."

Breathing heavily, Queen Aurina took the teacup gently. She just played with it as she gazed shifted outside the room and to the visible northern castle where the second prince resided. "That son of mine should ready for the hunt! It will start in two months and he's not as busy as Prince Lauren. I heard your sister was busily being prepared by Marchioness Susana."

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