C~10: Sammy

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"Garcia, what have you got?"

"Oh, E, I wish I could be more help." Penelope starts, "If this is about money, it would be a hell of a lot easier for me to give you a list of people who wouldn't need it, and I'd probably save a forest in the process."

Seems like everybody just needs money nowadays "Due to the spill, fisherman and fishing-related industries have been hit the worst." she finishes.

"Sheriff, was it common knowledge that the Sparks had gotten this loan?" Hotch turns to ask. The man shrugs "I knew. A loan around here is like winning the lottery."

"So why no ransom note?" Emily presents. From beside me, Derek voices an idea "Maybe the Unsub thinks he can get the money directly from the source, cut out the middleman."

"Use one parent to get the other to clear the accounts." I agree, rocking on my heels. Spencer nods my way "He's already shot, Charlie. It shouldn't be that hard to manipulate Alison into doing what he wants if he offers medical assistance in exchange."

"I-I think he just did." Penelope stammers over the hardline "I froze the Sparks' assets earlier today, but someone at the Bayside Branch one parish over just managed to withdraw 10,000 from their joint savings account."

Emily and Derek nod to each other, the two moving off most likely to head to the bank while Rossi speaks to us "If the Unsub has what he's after, Sammy's parents just became expendable."

Glancing back through the window, I shake my head at the boy "No, we're gonna find them." I promise, leaning forward to the phone, "Queen, what do you got on the letter L?"

"I have run every L I can find, think of or makeup in my giant magic head, and nothing hits. I even ran the number 50 in case Sammy has some sort of predilection to roman numerals. Came up dry."

"Any luck on finding Sammy's next of kin?" Hotch asks.

"In name only. Charlie has a sister named Elizabeth that was last reported residing in Mont Belvieu, Tejas. But she's not responding to calls or email."

Perking up at the name, I open my mouth only for Spencer to beat me "Elizabeth. The L could stand for Liz or Lizzie."

Nodding, I turn "We need to find her fast."

"I will move so fast the earth will reverse its rotation and time ben backwards. Hello." and she hangs up, having me let out a small laugh at her antics. Glancing back I the window, I reach into my pocket for the pin, my smile dropping "I'm gonna try and talk to him."

"Alright." Hotch allows "The rest of us will give the profile when Prentiss and Morgan return."

Standing, I move to the door and quietly open it. The little boy pays no attention to me as I walk forward and squat down before him. This action got his attention; still playing with his train, he stares at me.

"Hi, Sammy." I smile, holding the pin in my hands, fidgeting with it "I'm Cassy, you know our names rhyme kinda cool."

At this, I earn a slight but sharp nod. I was getting somewhere. His hand slowly leaves his toy to have his fingertips brush over my pin. I ask, "Do you wanna trade toys?"

Another nod, and his other hand holds out the train while I give him the pin. Keeping the look of engagement, I study the wooden figure as if it was a jewel; to this little boy, it was. Sammy sees my pin the same way.

"Your trains really cool." I compliment before pointing to my pin, "This was given to me by my Grandaddy from when he fought in World War 2, he earned this from when allies went to go help our friends in England...you see, I'm a pilot too."

One finger points to me and then to the sky. "Yeah, I fly, very good, Sammy," I speak, moving my squat to sit crisis cross on the floor. Placing my pin on the coffee table before us, he takes some paper and crayons, handing one of each to me.

Getting the idea, I place the train on the table before beginning to childishly draw both items with Sammy. After a bit, I turn to see the door open, Ms. Rogers, Rossi, and Spencer walking in.

"Hey, looks like you two are busy," Rossi states moving to one of the seats. Nodding, I explain, "Yeah, we're just drawing."

As I say this, Ms. Rogers moves to sit next to Sammy. Reaching into her bag, she pulls out flashcards prompting Rossi to ask, "What's that?"

"These help some kids with autism learn routines," she explains, showing them but starts pointing to the picture he was drawing of the L's. His eyes widen as he begins rocking again, prompting Spencer this time, "Do you have any idea what that L might stand for?"

Dismissing the thought, Ms. Rogers shakes her head "I have no idea. Sammy, you're safe it's me, Ms. Rogers."

But I notice as his rocking calms down his hands, fingers begin to move in a pattern "The Sparks own a music store, right?" I ask, earning a nod from Spencer "Do they have a piano or keyboard at their house?"

"You want to take a 10-year-old boy back to the crime scene where his father was shot?" Ms. Rogers sneers towards me, sits she was on the couch and I the floor, she towered me, but I wasn't gonna move.

I couldn't, for Sammy.

"Sammy's trying to tell us something. It's important we figure out what."

"Well, who decides whether the harm to Sammy's well-being is worth whatever information you may or may not get by doing such a thing!" Ms. Rogers stands, "You don't get to decide what's best for him!"

"I'm not." I state calmly, "But Sammy gets to, he's not helpless, and clearly, he's trying his hardest to prove something." reasoning this Ms. Rogers doesn't care for my opinion, feeling someone grab my arm, I turn to find Spencer helping me up trying to defuse the tension.

At this moment, Emily was in with another woman "Everyone, this is Lizzie Sparks, Sammy's Aunt."

Following her eyes, they stay on Sammy, staring at a boy she most likely doesn't even know. Putting a hand on my shoulder, Rossi motions, "Let's take this outside."

Meeting my eyes, Sammy takes the pin in his hand, holding it out to me "Can you hold onto that for now?" I ask, watching as he holds it closer "I'll be back." I promise following Spencer back out.

"I still don't see why you have to take him back to that place." Ms. Rogers protests as I move to sit on a desk next to Spencer, who tries to reason "Sammy was playing the piano when his parents were abducted, so taking him back to the exact location might trigger an important response."

"Not, but he's fragile. It could also wound him further."

"I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here." Liz stammers, shifting in her place.

"You're Sammy's legal guardian right now." Rossi answers, "The decision's yours."

"No!" Ms. Rogers interjects "He barely knows her. Lizzie, if it? For all we know, she's the L he's afraid of."

"Sammy saw Liz, and he ain't reacting." I present folding my hands together "Sammy shows visceral response just fine, but he ain't when he saw Liz."

"You can't be sure of that. He's in shock."

"We are running a background check right now." Emily assures, causing Liz's eyes to widen "On me?"

"It's just procedure." Rossi comforts, "But you have to decide."

At this, I let out a breath. Sammy knows who did it. He wants us to learn something as well, something that will save his parents. "Please." I start earning all their eyes but only meeting Liz's "What do you want us to do?"

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