Chapter 5b :Freedom Fighters

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(A/N: ok this chapter is a bit lazy from me since this part won't really involve  Jadadotchi so much until like the end so sorry for that)

(3rd person pov/ Warriors Perspective)

The two warriors, Reiner and BerToldt otherwise known as the Armoured and Collosal Titans in wait a top the wall patiently for their former comrades, the scouts to get there.

Reiner: "Bert" Reiner says

BerToldt: "y-yeah Reiner" BerToldt replies.

Reiner: "how long do you think it'll take before they get here"  he asks.

BerToldt: "depends, how long it's been since they've left, I'd assume they wanted to go as soon as possible though so maybe a day" he answers.

Reiner: " well when they do get here we'll be ready" he says confidently.

BerToldt only nods as they continue to look off into the distance.

(Back with Jadadotchi/still 3rd person pov)

Jadadotchi sits silently in a chair waiting to see if anything will happen, if he can gather any more information before......he attempts his escape.

Zeke: "Yo, Y/....sorry Jadadotchi, how are you doing" he asks the chained up boy.

Jadadotchi: "seems like a dumb ass question to be asking doesn't it" he replies dryly.

Zeke: "yes well it's only polite that I ask" he states.

Jadadotchi: "what do you want a fuckin medal?" He questions back.

Zeke: " do you have to be like this, you used to be such a......well you were always a trouble maker but now your disrespectful too"

Jadadotchi: " oh I'm sorry I should probably get down and kiss your boots too huh, since I'm just being so hard to handle" he states agitated at this point.

Zeke then sighs but continues the " conversation" this time taking up a more serious tone of voice.

Zeke: "your friends are on the way you know, we have them outnumbered, outmatched, and outsmarted, they're going to die" he says seriously.

Jadadotchi however, instead of being intimidated, he starts laughing hysterically. This of course confuses and somewhat angers him

Zeke: " the hells so funny?" he asks.

Almost immediately the laughter stops, and Jadadotchi for once in the past 4 hours looks up at Zeke with a twisted smile planted on his face.

Jadadotchi: "you'll find out soon enough but go ahead enjoy what you have right now because soon enough you'll be asking for mercy from Levi" he says with the same smile he had.

Zeke frowns and walks out of the room but before he can close the door fully Jadadotchi speaks again.

Jadadotchi: "I wouldn't bother with the door" he says to Zeke.

Zeke quickly shuts the door closed and leaves that floor as fast as possible.

(Jadadotchi pov/ 1 hour later)

If what Zeke said is true my friends may very well be walking straight into a trap, I gotta get the hell outta here. I should have bought myself some with that bluff, he looked startled by that.

I start to pull at the chains making them clank and hurting my wrists. "Ok well that didn't work" I think to myself. I look at my hand before saying out loud

Jadadotchi "for fuck sakes" I say to my self before moving my left thumb around the chain trying to get it stuck on something. Eventually after a few minutes of me doing this I catch my thumb on something and I make sure thumb is stuck in that area, I then countdown

Jadadotchi: "1.......... 2.....................3!!!!! " I lightly yell the three before biting into my lip so hard it starts to bleed as I dislocate my thumb causing me tremendous amounts of pain to shoot throughout my entire body. I then pull that hand out of the chains causing some skin to rip and tear off my hand making me wince in pain. After a few moments of huffing from pain I then look at my other hand

(3 minute timeskip/ still Jadadotchi's pov)

"I never want to do that again" I say to myself as I relocate my thumbs making me grunt in pain. I then sit back in the chair and hold onto the chains once more.

"Time to test out the o'll acting skills" I think to myself before I start to let out scream after scream of fake terror. After a few minutes of this I hear footsteps before letting my body go "limp" and closing my eyes, I hear the door open and then lightly creak but not close. I then hear the voice of who I presume to be Reiner Braun.

Reiner: "Jadadotchi, hey Jadadotchi are you ok" he asks as If he actually gives a shit.

I then jump up wrapping the chains around his neck chocking him but luckily not cutting his neck. I then slam his head into the wall before he flips me over his shoulder and tried to free his neck from the chains, I take this opportunity however to rush over and knee him in the face before sprinting out the door and out of sight from Reiner.

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