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Jungkook was laying on the bed while staring at the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

I just can't believe that I followed Y/n like a stalker!

But what's my fault that she's not giving me attention.

He sighed and drifted off to sleep.

It was a holiday the next day but Jungkook did his morning routine and switched on his computer because he was getting bored.

Ugh holidays are so boring! I wish I could go to college today too atleast I would have met Y/n there.

Meanwhile, Y/n was laying on her bed hugging the pillow tightly while sleeping soundly as if she hasn't slept for years.

It was already 10 am now.

Her mother opened the door of her room and decided to wake the lazy girl up.

"Y/n-ah get up... It's already 12 now!!", Her mother lied to her while trying to wake her up.

"Mmm Mum lwt me sleeeep", she mumbled as she buried her face in the pillow.

"Wake up you lazy girl!! I've already prepared the breakfast and I want you come down in 10 mins and if you don't show up then it will be not good for you", her mother smirked.

Y/n whined as a response.

"Come on honey, stop behaving like a kid... You're already 18 now", her mother said concerned.

"I'm not a kid", she mumbled.

"Whatever! Come downstairs quickly", her mother said sternly while going out of the room.

"And yes, you have to go and buy all the things that I've written in the list so lift your lazy ass up"

She groaned at last got up and did her morning routine.

I should text Minho that I won't to be able to go to his house to make the project as I have some work to do.

Hey Minho! I'm sorry I've have some work to do... So I won't be able to come to your house :(

It's okay Y/n... Let's meet tomorrow :)

Yeah sure!

Y/n sighed as she got ready. She wore a cute pink hoodie and a skinny jeans. She looked at herself in the mirror.

Atleast I look presentable now

She went downstairs and had her breakfast. Her mother handled her the shopping list. She groaned as she was too lazy to go out in the cold, but immediately went out of the house when her mother glared at her.

While Jungkook too went out of his house to take some fresh hair.

I'm bored, a little stroll won't hurt right.

He thought to himself as he plugged in his earphones and started listening to music while walking.

He remembered how Y/n was singing that day. He wished he could listen to her singing again.

I need to stop thinking about her. She lives in my mind all the time.

He went to convenience store nearby. He wanted to eat ramen noodles.

When he entered the store, he saw a girl in a cute pink hoodie pouting to herself while looking at a piece of paper. He smiled at the soft sight of the girl. He immediately knew who she was.

It's Y/n.

But wait am I hallucinating?!

Y/n took out her phone as it rang.

"Yes mom", she answered the call.

Listening to her voice Jungkook was now sure that he wasn't hallucinating.

"Yes mom I won't forget anything", she said to her mother.

"Ahhh stop mom I'm not a baby!!", she whined like a baby as her lips formed in a pout.

Jungkook laughed at her being all whiny and cute. He can't take her cuteness, it's just too much!

She's definitely a baby.

𝖱𝖤𝖦𝖱𝖤𝖳 {𝖩𝖴𝖭𝖦𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪 𝖥𝖥} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now