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It's been 3 days of her avoiding Jungkook, again. They could hear whispers all the time when Jungkook tried to talk to her or just follow her and her being her didn't spare a glance at him.

"Love, I'm sorry!", Jungkook said as he grabbed her hand.

"Shut it, Jeon! I don't want to talk to you now", She said as she yanked her hands away.

"Please", Jungkook whispered but she already left.

Seoyeon was seeing all this drama although she felt very jealous of him chasing behind her all the time, she thought of it as a golden chance to get Jungkook.

"Hey ba- Jungkook", Seoyeon called out as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

Y/n came back but saw Seoyeon touching Jungkook. She felt a little jealous but didn't say anything and went away.

"Just get lost from here!", Jungkook deadpanned.

"Ouch that's harsh!", Seoyeon replied.

"Do I look like I care?!", Jungkook snapped back.

"You know what just leave her! THAT UGLY GIRL DOESN'T LOVES YOU AND THERE BETTER OPTIONS THAN HER!", Seoyeon shouted.

Jungkook right now was burning with anger.

He pushed her to the locker and held both her wrists tightly and pinned it to the locker, now sure that it will leave a mark.

She winced in pain.

"I DARE YOU TO REPEAT THAT AGAIN", He said voice getting deeper.

Seoyeon just yelped in pain.

"I-It's h-hurting!", Seoyeon said in pain.

"That's the main reason I'm doing this, bish!", Jungkook said as his eyes became darker.

"Listen here, ugly bish", Jungkook said as he held her wrists tighter bruising it.

His face getting closer to her ears as he whispered in his deeper voice.

"You're the one ugly here, not her and why will I choose better options when she's the best for me?! And About loving me I'll make her fall for me soon, you don't have to worry about that, understand !?", Jungkook smirked as he let go of her wrists and went away.

Seoyeon just held her bruised wrists as she burnt in jealousy. She went to the restroom and locked herself in one of the cubicles.

"Y/N!!!!", She screamed but thankfully no one was there to hear her.

"WHY DON'T YOU DIE!!!??", She shouted.

While, Y/n was actually feeling jealous as she walked to her home. She's now home alone as her mother and father went to her grandmother's house due to some work and she insisted that she'll live alone and that she's not a kid. Her parents agreed as they gave her a credit card to buy the stuff she needs when they're out.

Will he give up on me, now??

She thought but her head started paining so she just brushed the thoughts away. Her head was paining from the morning and it worsened now.

She cooked ramen, ate it and went to bed early.

The next day she didn't feel like going to the college as her headache didn't get any better. Even her stomach started aching because it's the time of the month. She decided to not go and take rest and tell Somi about it.


Hey Somi!

𝖱𝖤𝖦𝖱𝖤𝖳 {𝖩𝖴𝖭𝖦𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪 𝖥𝖥} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now