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THE LAST FEW WEEKS of term flew by faster than Oliver had been expecting and he didn't know how he felt about that. University choices were finalised, personal statements finished off, UCAS applications submitted. Stress levels among the year thirteens were amping up as mocks drew closer. There was less hanging out at Juniper's and more trying to find space in the crowded library. Free periods were no longer just a chance to nap and fuck about with friends, but much needed revision time. Swim practice continued as usual with Charlie's annoying comments, Kessy's bitching retorts and fighting Reed for the title of fastest swimmer. Life fell into a familiar routine of swimming and studying, sometimes with a party at the weekend.

It felt good, and Oliver wasn't talking about his studies, or even swimming really. Things between him and Reed were finally back to normal. On the days Reed didn't have work, or stayed for longer after practice to swim, he'd come round to Oliver's. They called it "studying", although it consisted more of playing video games and scrolling absently through Netflix and chatting shit about anything other than school. Reed also spent much of his time at Oliver's house playing with Lexie, from tea parties with her teddies to scribbling drawings with her crayons. He was happy to humour her endless chatter which meant Lexie had decided that Reed was the next best thing since sliced bread.

Seeing as Oliver held very similar opinions, he could hardly blame his sister for feeling similarly. Although it was a little annoying when she spent every waking hour harping on about Reed this, Reed that, when is Reed coming around?

"I can't help it that your sister likes me better than you," Reed said with a smirk, when Oliver told him about this, but he could tell Reed was pleased. "I hardly blame her. I'm delightful. No need to get jealous," he added, and his blue gaze was teasing again, that hint of a challenge that sent sparks down Oliver's spine. "You're still my favourite Sterling."

It was safe to say Oliver's crush on Reed was anything but fading from all the time they spent together. It was also safe to say he was finding it very hard to care. Maybe Reed wouldn't accept that there was anything more going on between them, maybe he toed the line with flirting and teasing, but Oliver had his best friend back. Anything was worth that.

Sometimes Adam would join them to "study" at Oliver's, if he wasn't roped into doing something with Clair. The outcome of their fight in the common room that day was Adam convincing his parents to let Clair come to France with them. So now it was the three of them...and Clair. Together for ten days in France. It was almost enough to put a dampener on a trip Oliver was really looking forward to. Key word being almost. Clair may be annoying at times, but this was a holiday to the Alps, for gods sake. He always wanted to go skiing but Lexie's health meant that wasn't a trip his family would ever take. Now he had the perfect opportunity, and he got to do it with his best friends. Clair was just an unfortunate problem on the side.

In the last week of term, as the temperature plunged and Christmas excitement was creeping up on everyone, they had their second meet out of town. Oliver wasn't sure how he felt about having to see Hampstead again; more specifically, having to see Finley again. He would feel much better about it if they came away from this meet having done better than Hampstead. Birmingham was only two hours away which meant they wouldn't be staying overnight like they had for the meet in London, but driving back straight after it was done.

"Which means I won't have to set any curfews this time," Jeffries said, with such a pointed look in Reed and Oliver's direction he might as well have blown his whistle in their faces. "What a relief, seeing as some people on this team are incapable of following such simple rules."

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