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ON WEDNESDAY, OLIVER came into school before classes had started.

The swimming meet the day before had been pretty successful. Oliver and Reed had both managed to place first in one of their events, Bailey second in hers, and Charlie had bagged a third. Spirits had been high on the ride back to school where they were dropped off and, in the confusion, Oliver had forgotten to grab his school bag from the changing room on the way out. It wasn't a big deal – any homework he had could wait – but his history essay was in that bag and it was due in for first period. H texted Adam to let him know he wouldn't need a ride and arrived at school while it was still practically empty, aside from the odd teacher or student on the grounds. He headed straight for the changing room, found his bag easily enough, and was about to leave when he heard the distinctive splash of water.

It could have just been Coach Wallace, setting up for lessons, but it sounded like someone was actually in the pool. Oliver stepped out on the poolside to see someone already in the water, swimming laps up and down the length of the pool. Oliver recognised Reed easily enough. His pale hair gleamed under the bright lights and the deft sure movement of his limbs were as familiar to Oliver as his own. He was more surprised at his lack of surprise that Reed was here before school hours, for who knows how long, swimming as if they didn't have practice that afternoon after school. Reed could be confusing, one of the most confusing people Oliver had met, but there was one thing that would always make sense about him – his love (see: obsession) to swim.

Oliver leant against the wall with his bag slung over his shoulder and waited for Reed to notice him. It didn't take long. He caught the edge of the poolside at the end of his lap and lifted his head out of the water, pushing his goggles up over wet hair to look at Oliver.

"What are you doing here?" Reed asked.

Oliver gave him an appraising look. "I was going to ask you the same thing. I forgot my bag last night," he said, when it was clear Reed was still waiting for an explanation. "Your turn. What are you doing here?"


"Glad to see your sense of humour is still intact," Oliver said dryly. "Does Mr Jeffries know you're here?"

"Yeah. He gave me a key so I can get in before the cleaners, if I want to."

"Why?" Oliver asked curiously.

Reed just shrugged. "Because I asked him to."

Oliver knew Reed stayed behind after practice occasionally, to do extra laps in the pool, and he didn't question it. It was all part of his single-minded personality; Oliver just hadn't realised it extended this far. He hadn't missed that Reed didn't catch a lift with them to school in the morning sometimes, but he'd just assumed it was because he was running late or his dad would give him a lift or whatever other reason. Now that he thought about it, Reed wasn't in the car in the morning more often than not and he must have been already at school on those days. He was equal parts baffled and impressed by the amount of time and effort Reed dedicated to swimming. Oliver didn't think there was a single thing in the world that he felt so passionate about that he could have a life revolving around it.

There was just one thing he didn't understand about it.

"But you don't need extra practice," Oliver pointed out. "Reed, you were one of the fastest swimmers at the meet yesterday – "

"No," Reed interjected, "you were."

Oliver frowned. "Fine, we both were. It doesn't change the fact that you're already more than good enough."

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