Death, explaining and help from goddes

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"Where the h***is that black side person?!" Naruto shouted as he looked around. "NARUTO! BEHIND YOU!" Sakura shouted to her blonde friend. As Naruto wanted to turn, an black hand went straight through Naruto chest. "Go damn you!" Naruto said as he swinged his hand to black Zetsu to make him fly to rabbit goddes.

'The jutsu will soon end......' Naruto thought as he fall down. "Naruto!" Sakura shouted as she ran to her friend. "The jutsu soon end." Killer B said. As Sakura continued running to Naruto's body, smoke apperead from Naruto. 'Like he used an transforming jutsu, but he looked normal.' Sakura thought as she continued running.

As Sakura came to Naruto, she kneeled down and turned aruto to back. "Naruto, stop playing around with your stupid pervert jutsu!" Sakura shouted at her friend. Naruto cought some blood from mouth. "Fox!" Gaara called his jinchuriki friend.

"Gaara, tell this idiot to diactived the pervert jutsu!" Sakura shout as Kurotsuchi held Naruto. "Does you jutsu end when someone hurt you?" Kurotsuchi ask. Naruto just nodded and coughted with blood. "What are you talking about?" Lee ask. "I'm going to die soon *cough*..... I all the time used my technique genderband jutsu...*cough cough*.....this jutsu end every half year, and I always diactive the jutsu when I'm going to sleep so I could use *cough cough* a year...." Naruto explained and everyone with Temari and Kankuro gets shock to hear that their friend is all the time a girl.

"I will be and *cough* always be girl..... but I hided it because how villagers treated me....*cough cough*..... guys.." Naruto called her friends. "Do you remember that day.....*cough*.... Sasuke forced me to choice the friendly way and hard way.... I made abort from his child....*cough*...." Naruto said.

"Did you had Sasuke-kun child?" Sakura ask. "That you heard Sakura-chan...." Naruto said. "But before I'll leave, my name is Naruko Uzumaki...*cough*..." Naruko said. "Fox don't you dare to say such things!" Gaara shouted at his first friend.

From away from where is mortal, Kaguya Otsutsuki looked at that scene. As she looked everyone reaction, she remembered her first child, Tsubasa Otsutsuki. Her first child who didn't lived long. "Mother. Let us being the fi-" "No Zetsu. Say, you were here longer. When began the chaos we know now?" Kaguya intrupted her creation. "The second shinobi war. Why?" Black Zetsu ask. "Let us send her to past before second war." Kaguya said. "Mother! You know if you do it then-" "Then she'll be my host. As long as that girl will lve longer. I don't want anyone else die young, like my daughter Tsubasa." Kaguya said as she looked down. "Alright. You want to change the future by change the past I know." Black Zetsu said.

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