Tobirama Senju

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Naruko pov

"Here we are." Hashirama said as we arrived to an big mansion. "I could live another house, if you thought-" "You are Uzumaki, and my wife too. Maybe you gets along!" Hashirama intrupted and shouted with joy. "Hashirama? Do you have day off?" An red haired woman came. "Mito Uzumaki, my previous host." Kurama said. 'Is that so? So she is he first jinchuriki of you?" I ask to my friend. "Yes." Kurama answered shortly. "Mito, meet Naruko." Hashirama said. "Good luck to tell her that your blonde Uzumaki." 'O-oi! Kurama, stop bullying me!' "U-um, Naruko Uzumaki..." I stuter. 'Gosh I'm scared of her reaction. She is an Uzuamki, but like with my mom, her hair can float...' I thought as I cried (anime style). "Oh my godness, your so cute! Even you are Uzumaki, I think blonde Uzumaki is cutest now!" Mito said as she hugged me. 'Maybe I was wrong about to be afraid of her...' I thought.

Unknown pov

'Finaly the mission is done. Now I can give the scroll to big brother and back to learn these idiots.' I thought as I walked way to Konoha.

"That's good. Now take two days off." Big brother said. "W-wha? I have students, so I'll-" "They have an another teache for a moment. So take day off." Big brother said and that made me confused.

'Teacher for an moment? And who is that person?' I thought as I walked around the training place. "Oww!" Heard Homura's voice. 'What the h***?!' I thought as I ran to one of my students voices. "I didn't knew to make that, what is called again?" Homura ask with normal voice. I came to place where my all three students are, plus an unknown woman with bandage on her face with blonde hairs. "It's calling 'Rasengan'. And don't run with bare hands. Argh, now I understands Kakashi-sensei had with us." At last she something mumbled. "Can you show how 'Rasengan' work? I mean real one." Koharu ask. "Yea, I can." As that blonde woman said, she began to swing her hand on another. After an moment, an smal blue ball came and became biger and biger. "Thats how." Blonde haired woman said and the ball disapeared.

"But I recomend being with water ballon. First, rotation, second power and last compression. At compression, you'll make real 'Rasengan'." Blonde woman said and my students nodded. "So we need water ballon. And what after that?" Homura ask.

"After the water ballon, you need the ballon with air. But it will be difficult task. And I took some water ballons, so being." Blonde woman said. "And whats going on?" I ask as I came closer. "Tobirama-senei!" All my three students shouted as they saw me. "Do what I said. I'll talk with him." Blonde woman said. "A-alright Naruko-sensei. But what we'll do with water ballon?" Did Koharu just called someone else 'Sensei'?! "Like I did with real 'Rasengan'." Blonde woman said and all my students nodded.

Come back to live, but in the past! | RewriteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon