xxv. facetime

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incoming call from aaron!
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máire answered the phone half awake in her bed, not entirely processing why aaron was outside on the other side of the screen — trees and a blue sky behind him as he walked while phone had been connecting. as soon as he realized it had gone through, he stopped walking, and went to lean up against a tree.

"oh good, you answered!
okay, we're hanging out
today. if ever get scolded
by wyatt again, i'm not
sure i'll survive it."

máire readjusted herself to prop herself up on one of her pillows, raising her eyebrow at him. they had never really planned hanging out since they had moved in together, it had always just sort of happened — at least, before everything had become awkward.

"we're planning
our hangouts 
nights now?"

aaron looked down at his screen, trying study her face — get a read on her emotions. no luck. it seemed as though it was too early for her to start analyze things; that was probably for the better.

"yes — you'll
avoid me otherwise."

"is that why you're
facetiming me too?"

he felt as though perhaps she was mocking him, or maybe subconsciously punishing him; making him over-communicate and fluster to trip him up. he figured that perhaps he deserved that.

"so that you have to
respond in real time
instead of ignoring my
texts for hours at a time?
absolutely that's it."

she ignored his question, finally awake enough to process the fact that he seemed to be walking around in some sort of park, and decidedly not at their house.

"where are ya?"

aaron flipped the camera around to show hugo on a leash, sniffing around some grass and the leg of a park bench, and then turned it back to his face.

"taking hugo for a walk
— he seemed antsy to
get out when i woke up."

máire squinted suspiciously, taking hugo for walks in the mornings was always something aaron wasn't exactly fond of — both due to the cold of the mornings and the distain for the possibility of paparazzi.

"oh, so you really
are trying to be nice
to me today, huh?"

aaron shrugged, giving in. what he wanted was for their friendship to go back to what it was before their lapse in judgement, no matter what that took.

"today is your day,
anything you want."

the blonde girl pursued her lips and twisted her mouth to the side in consideration before burying herself under her duvet again.

"an extra hour of sleep
and then lunch at the
cafe, that sound like a
good starting point?"

"how about i bring it
back for you when i
come home so you have
it when you wake up?
brunch in bed."

maire grinned at his suggestion, aaron's own mouth quirked up into a mischievous smile.

"it's like ye know
me, or something."

"yeah, crazy,
isn't it?"

"and we don't
talk about—"

she dared to bring it up, but aaron saved her breath for her, cutting her off and shaking his head in response. no, he didn't want to talk about that. he just wanted his best friend back.

"not at all, at
least not today."

she nodded in agreement, sighing, as if he had given her all the answer to every question she had. like she finally had permission to breathe.

"thank you."

aaron shook his head — he didn't think she should be thanking him. if anything, he should be thanking her, if nothing else than just for trying to forgive him. nonetheless, he figured it was probably best not to say anything that would push a boundary.

"you're welcome."

máire didn't have time to consider her words, at almost any other time, she wouldn't of had to — but the as soon as she said the words she felt like she wanted to swallow her tongue,

"love you."

aaron knew better than to say them back, at least not then, not so quickly. instead, he smiled gently, a small upturn of his lips to acknowledge her words.

"i'll see you soon.
same order as always?"

"dead on."

she smiled at him, and he returned the gesture, as if trying reassure one another that everything was going to be okay without having to try to find the words to say it themselves. a mutual understanding that they would always have each other.


"see ya"

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facetime has ended!
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youth, aaron taylor johnsonWhere stories live. Discover now