iv. imessage

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one new message from mars bar!
✧∘ ࿐ ཾ

mars bar
hey congrats
on the golden

kavanagh, it's
2019. that was
three years ago

mars bar
i know

mars bar
i just feel like you
should get more
recognition for it:/

thank you, but you can
stop beating around
the bush, you know

i won't get mad
if you ask about
the divorce

mars bar
the fucking
what now??

you don't know?

our reps released
a statement

mars bar
i just spent nine
weeks camp counseling
in the middle of the
minnesota forest with no
service, three desktops and
a phone call a week

mars bar
the last thing i did was
look up your name on
dailymail, or look at
your rep announcements

mars bar
if anything was going on,
i figured i'd find out from
you personally first. i called
you few times though, why
didn't you tell me things were
that bad? i know there was
issues but...

"hey, thanks for
calling me this week,
wanna hear about my
lame divorce drama?"

i wasn't gonna make
you deal with that

mars bar
shit, im sorry
aaron, i had
no idea

mars bar
i just got back
to london

join the club

mars bar
you're in the uk?

figured i'd move home
base for a while. i signed
the divorce papers already,
sam is keeping the house.

mars bar
meet me at my
parents house

mars, it's 9pm. im not
just going to randomly
waltz into your house

mars bar
no, we're gonna get
some bad american diner
food and we're going to get
your spirits up

how do you know
my spirits aren't up?

mars bar

i'll see you
in thirty

✧∘ ࿐ ཾ

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