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10th November 2019

Maisie wished she could say the Uber back to the hotel was quiet, she even wished she could say that it was awkward with minimal eye contact that was quickly pulled away, the sound of finger tapping being heard over nothingness and a small wave before they separated ways; never to see each other again.

When actually it was nothing like that, in fact, it was quite the opposite. Instead, she was sat in the middle seat of a Uber van, five grown nightmarishly drunk men, who acted more like children, surrounded her, throwing insults and shouting rowdily to be heard over each other and themselves.

Her eyes scanned the rods of Los Angels as they whizzed past, most ignoring the animals around her as she sat in silence, not knowing what to say or if to join in, twiddling her thumbs. To her left sat the boy she'd been staring at all night, Harry, who was surprisingly quiet around his friends, and to her right sat a short man who had introduced himself at 'Gibber'.

"You alright?" Harry snapped her out of her tight gaze, having to repeat himself for her to nod.

"Just...tired" it was close to 5 am to be fair, though the men around her didn't seem to agree.

"Tired?" A shout came from behind her, she twisted noticing the brown-haired boyfriend of Mia, "nights just began lass"

"Then why are yous off back then?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow and cocking her head.

"Who said we're going back to the hotel?" Another boy that Niko had spoken to earlier in the night asked, "we're just changing clubs"

She nodded slowly, turning back round to meet Harry's gaze. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to talk to her, before shutting it tightly, turning to look out of the window.

Maisie didn't question it, eager to get out of the stuffy van and to comfort her friend, checking her phone regularly to more texts from Mike.

As the van pulled up, and the door opened she waited for each person to jump out, tapping her foot impatiently. Quickly, she walked away, starting to type a message put to Mike as she got closer to the elevator.

"Maisie!" A voice caught her attention, "wait!" She stopped, spinning.


"We're...um" he turned over his shoulder, reminding her of the same situation they'd been in only twenty minutes earlier, "we're going out if you want to come"

Her breath stilled.

This was life offering a hand, telling - practically begging - her to take it. Here was a beautiful stranger offering her a night out she'd surely never forget.

But, only twenty-three floors above then her friend was in pieces. The past year of his life was dedicated to one night that had ended in shambles.

She couldn't leave him, not tonight.

"Logan's upstairs..." she spoke lightly, throwing a thumb over her shoulder, hoping he'd understand.

"Well, we won't be going for the next half an hour or so," he stuttered over his words, "to get changed and stuff, so if you give me your number I could...text you" his sentence slowed towards the end as if he was second-guessing himself.

"Live for yourself, just for tonight" he spoke quickly, trying everything to spend more time with the mysterious girl.

This wasn't an opportunity she could pass up.

"Okay," a smile tugged at her lips, despite the tiredness in her voice.

A breath left her mouth as the elevator doors closed, trying her best to keep her eyes on Harry's figure, before they were completely cut off. She couldn't help the smile that over took her face, proud of how she had handled the situation, before remembering where she was going.

The hallway seemed somber, like they too knew off the heavy loss. When in fact they were just sleeping, as any normal person would be at 5am.

Step by step she seemed to walk slower, the hallway getting longer as she never seemed to meet the right room.

A small knock made the people inside aware of her presence, and a broken made her aware of how much she was truly needed in that moment.

Written: 18th May 2021
Published: 26th May 2021
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