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"Hello?" I yawned and reached for Talyeh's phone that was ringing next to me. We ended up spending the night at Dani's house and slept on an air mattress.

"Who is this?" I heard her mom ask.

"Jahseh," I answered.

"Oh, hi Jahseh. Can you tell her I need her home right away," she asked.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" I asked.

"Her brother left, he ran away," she mumbled.

"Ill bring her home right now," I answered and hung up the phone. I gently shook Talyeh and woke her up.

"What?" She groaned.

"You're mom called she says you have to come home right now," I told her.

"Why what happened?" She sat up.

"Your brother ran away," I told her.

She sat up and looked at me for a second. Next thing I know she was running to the bathroom.

"Is she throwing up?" Dani sat up.

"I think so," I followed behind Talyeh and she was in the bathroom throwing up. I pulled her hair into a bun and wrapped a hair tie that was on the counter in her hair.

She sat down  and leaned against the wall, "I so cannot do this for nine more months."

"It's okay baby, maybe there's some medicine you can take?" I suggested.

"I have to tell my mom, because I have to get an ultrasound and I need vitamins for my pregnancy," she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Whenever you're ready," I told her and grabbed some toilet paper. I wiped her mouth and the tears out of her eyes.

"My brother ran away?" She asked.

"That's what your mom said, we should probably get going," I helped her get up and she brushed her teeth while I got her things together.

We said our goodbyes and then we were on our way. By the time we got to her moms house she was back asleep so I had to wake her up again, which she didn't like.

When we walked into the house her mom was sitting in the couch crying. "Mom, are you okay?" Talyeh was by her side that fast.

"He left a note and said he wanted to be with his dad so he left," her mom told her. "I called your dad, he's there."

"Does dad know he ran away?" Tal asked her.

"No he didn't know, so he said he would punish him but if he wants to be there then there's nothing I can do about that."

"He'll be okay mom," Talyeh told her. "He's a boy and boys usually want to be with their dads so it's normal. He will still come and visit."

"Yeah, I just don't understand why he ran away, I would have let him go," she frowned.

"Maybe he didn't know that, or he didn't want to hurt your feelings," I suggested.

Her mom shrugged and looked at the floor. Talyeh looked at me and frowned. "What's wrong mama?"

Her face changed, "I'm going to through up." She stood from the couch and ran to the bathroom.

"Is she okay? She's been sick a lot lately?" Her mom asked me.

"I think it's cause she's been eating more and her body isn't used to it," I lied.

"I'm just glad she's eating, thank you so much for helping her," her mom smiled at me.

"No problem," I smiled. "I'm gonna go check on her."

I quickly went into the bathroom and she was still throwing up.

"I'm so sorry mama," I said as I rubbed her back.

"For what?" She asked when she was finally done throwing up.

"Getting you pregnant," I frowned.

"Hey it takes two," she told me. "It's not all you're fault. And hey, in nine months I'm sure it'll all be worth it."

"Yeah," I kissed her forehead and helped her get up.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked her.

"I don't know yet," she shrugged as we walked upstairs to her bedroom, she went into her bathroom and got in the shower while I waited in her room.

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