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POV: Talyeh

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POV: Talyeh

I woke up hearing knocks at my door. I sat up slowly, observing my surroundings.

The sun was barely rising leaving a pink and orange glow throughout my room.

I stretched and then slowly stood up, slugging over to the door. I twisted the knob and pulled the door open.

"Sorry to wake you baby, your mother is at the door and she won't leave. Please go speak to her?" Miss Cleo asked me as she yawned.

She looked like she too had been rudely awaken from good sleep.

I sighed and left my room, walking downstairs to my mother.

My mom stood in the doorway wearing baggy sweatpants and a sweatshirt, looking severely upset z

"Talyeh!" She exclaimed when she saw me. She grabbed me hand and attempted to pull me out the door.

"What are you doing here mom?" I asked.

"I'm sorry about what was said. Please come back," she said as I removed myself from her grip.

"No mom, I'm not coming back." I said. "I don't want to."

"Legally it doesn't matter what you have to say," she pointed out.

"And I'm sure the judge would feel differently after being presented with the text messages you've sent me," I pointed out.

She made a face and then closed her eyes. When she reopened them she turned to face me, "why do you hate me?"

"I could ask you the same thing," I explained.

"What is your problem?" She asked.

"You're the one who has a problem." I stated.

"Yo T, who is at the door it's five in the morning," I heard Jan's raspy voice echo through the hallway.

Seconds later he by my side. I noticed he only had on some sweatpants that hung loosely around his waistline.

"My mom, she was just leaving," I explained.

"Oh please come in," he offered her as he opened the door wide.

"No thanks." Mom and I said at the same time.

"You guys have gotta stop acting like this. Y'all are family."

"Family my black ass," I smacked my lips.

"You cannot be that mad about her snooping in your room," Jahseh smacked his lips. "What you was hiding some kinky porn or somethin?"

"What? That is not why we are mad," My mom opened up her big ass mouth.

"Nah I'm mad because when I was on my way with your mom to bail you out she told me that if I helped she was kicking me out. And before I even got a Chance to say I wouldn't, she kicked me out."

Jahseh's face fell and he immediately looked pissed. He discreetly grabbed my hand, pulling me back a little bit. He slammed the door shut and then turned around, walking back up the stairs.

I looked at him and then looked at the door, "Jah that was rude."

"So what?" He stopped and turned around.

"So what! That's my mom I would never disrespect your mom like that," I explained.

"Oh well. Cry about it," he shrugged. "Wait was you gonna not help bail me out?"

"No I wasn't but then she didn't give me no choice." I answered.

"So I would still be sitting in jail right now just for you to kiss your moms ass?" He asked.

"She's my mom Jahseh. No I wasn't kissing her ass. I was put in the middle of your bullshit and my mom. You're ass shouldn't have been in jail in the first place."

"So it's my fault," he asked.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked. "I mean actually are you serious."

"Bro goodnight." He smacked his lips and went up the stairs.

I opened the front door and my mom looked pissed. "First you choose your man over me then you allow him to disrespect me?"

"I just told him that that wasn't coo-"

"-and you know what! I've had it with you. You're done. Disowned." She yelled at me.

"If you would let me finish you would hear what I'm trying to say." I stated.

She didn't say anything else, she just walked away.

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