chapter 41

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We all believe in giving back whatever we took, we never does like Gandhi Ji's saying if they slap you one side show them another, we always does if they slap you one give them two.

Avinash wanted to do the same with the person who messed up his life badly, from the past year after his dad's case had been solved he started working on her distraction, he just wanted to give her some time before pulling her last string.

He thanked God for sending him to India if not he would have never know that she was secretly started project and vihaan was her partner, if he stopped that project in middle even Vihaan would have to suffer great loss.

Avinash took help of vihaan and Amar in this, they was indeed great help for him they made some changes in Avinash plan and they was ready to execute it, they was in meeting discussing about same.

When meeting completed they took breath in relief after everyone went out of confrence hall, Avinash grinned at them, they both returned it.

Avinash phone rang it was important call he excused himself, on the cue vihaan's phone also rang

"Where the fuck are you bhai, why aren't you picking phone calls" sid shouted from other side

"Sidhanth Sharma language" Vihaan growled

"Iam sorry but come to college fast we need your help" before Vihaan could say anything sid ended his call.

"They landed themselves in problem we need to go" Vihaan answered Amar's unasked question.

Avinash asked them to go he said he will come after call in five minutes, they both nodded and went from there.


"I think we should take her home" sid said to rahul who nodded but mia blocked their way

"Where are you talking her sid whole college should know about oh so perfect Priyali, shouldn't they" everyone laughed, they couldn't understand how other students are believing her shitty talks, sid understood it was her doing and she will not allow them to take Priya home, he ranked his hair and called Vihaan. After the call he saw principal came there after laughing he again went inside his office. Sid clenched his jaw looking at him.

"What are you looking Sid, principal is my dad's friend and he will not say anything" she smirked

"I know sid you must be feeling bad after all you are her boyfriend" sid and Rahul's eyes widened this time sid fisted his hand but stopped when someone caught his hand he turned to see Rohan.

"What are you doing sid she is a woman, you can't do this" Rohan said calmly. When he turned to priya he was shocked to see she was standing there in daze.

"Priya" Rohan patted her cheek but she didn't responded


Vihaan and Amar came to college they went towards principal's office as they thought as sid and Rahul landed in some trouble and definitely would ne there, but they saw crowd in corridor, Vihaan saw Naina there so he dragged Amar with him as he was sure naina would be with them if they landed in any trouble.

Everyone gasped at the persons infront of them Amar Sen and Vihaan Sharma wasn't some free person who barge into some random college at some random time, no one knows about Priya, Rahul and sid as they maintained very low profile in college, they never showed who they are to anyone.

Amar gasped at the sight infront of him Priya was standing lifeless.

"Princess" Vihaan heard himself calling her but she just stood there, Mia gasped at the word she doesn't know how she even related to him, she know Vihaan Sharma, she saw him at many parties which she attended with her dad and she also heard her father talking about her marriage with him in the morning, she was happy as she will be married to richest and handsome person. But how on the earth he was in her college with the girl she hate. She couldn't digest the fact the he was close to her enemy who she loathe.

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