chapter 3

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Rahul pov

Isn't it exiting coming home after 2 months, 2 whole months I was away from home family most importantly my bestie, damn this internship program. I asked her to come but this idiotic best friend of mine declined it, she wasn't like this, Priya I know was always carefree interested in anything and everything, but now she completely changed, after her return from London she is no more the Priya I know she completely changed, I always wanted to know the reason but I stopped myself from asking because I know about my best friend she will tell herself one or the other day but it's been an year for she didn't said me anything,

There she is sitting in college canteen, but she zoned off, I went and sat beside her hanging my hand on her shoulder, she didn't saw me even after 5 min, her eyes are showing pain and some unshed tears, I don't know why she is complicating her life without saying to anyone of us.

maybe I failed as a friend maybe she is not thinking me worth to share her thoughts. I signed heavily thinking about all these.

Even now she rushed from canteen as if she saw a gost

"What happened to her" Swetha asked

"I don't know but she had tears in her eyes" Pooja chipped

"What happened to her Rahul"

"I don't know Swetha she was sad when I came maybe she is feeling bad for what happened in class" I know it's a lie big lie but even I don't know the reason, why Priya why can't you say what happened to you, you are hurting yourself, me and even aunty uncle, I miss u bestie I really miss you your words are not lively your eyes never show me that excitement which use to show every time I gave you icecream, I miss that childish who use to sequel for every single thing, iam happay you are now matured but you became a mannequin who don't have emotions, I see only emotion in your face that you are always gloomy, that depression stage of yours, those two months are hell for our families. I looked at Pooja and swetha who are observing me keenly, I gave them a pale smile

"What happened Rahul"

"Nothing let's go see her" I said and got up from my seat

Iam outside the rest room and pooja and swetha went to see her, it's been 10 min they went inside, now iam feeling restless....

There she came I have a relief sigh after seeing her, seriously she said she went for some facewash I mean is she even for real, I can I believe her lame excuse, her eyes red and puffy that means she cried, why Priya why, I just want to drag her and ask answer for my every question, but I can't I can't force her if she is not interested in saying but what if she again goes into depression, even that though ging me chills, she went past me and drove off...

I stood there clenching my fist, I don't know what to do, I hate myself for this maybe I should force her to tell the truth, this time iam not leaving Priya I will lean the truth I know it's tough but I will do it, iam going to get you out of this, I will do it for you my bestie

"Okay Swetha, bye I have to leave"

"Oh that's good Mr Rahul Sen I think that's the only thing you can do" this girl, one day I definitely gonna punch her, ughhhhh

"Swetha iam not talking to this thing say her"

"Stop it guys, Rahul don't you think Priya need us I think we have to go to her home Tomorrow, however it's weekend"

"Okay Swetha I will pick you guys if you don't have any problem"

"Even we have vehicles mister we can come on them" heck with this girl

"Ufff..... do whatever you want to but just come, and swetha bye" I just don't want to talk to this pooja, miss irritating

"Bye" Swetha said sweetly and pooja rolled her eyes

To be continued..........

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