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The same chapel, a changed woman with a different request, "I know, now before you say something, my life has been hectic since the last time, like rollercoaster Space Mountain style." Kaede paused, "I mean when I said I wanted to send me, someone didn't expect them. Anyway, thank you for replying. Thank you for sending me Guran. He's a blessing. Please make him come back real quick from this trip, ASAP before midnight."

Soulmates Kaede always wondered what it meant.

If many associated the term with passionate love, a soulmate could be someone with whom one had a deep connection. The bond could be intellectual, spiritual, or romantic. None of the elements were mandatory for Kaede.

In 2021 Kaede met two men. If one were the man of her life, the woman would not dismiss the latter as a fickle encounter.

Whatever Dominque represented, Kaede knew he saved her. Dominque helped her to open up; his affection was everything. Perhaps this was the real motivation behind her will to give him a kidney. The man showed her love, but he also taught Kaede to let go and live the emotions.

Kaede prayed, and like the last time she came to the chapel, the woman didn't hear the other person enter.

He knelt next to her and closed his eyes. Signs, Dominque was a firm believer, and here too, he trusted the encounter to be part of a plan even though all was hazy.

"Dear lord."

Kaede opened her eyes; she couldn't believe he was there. The probability of Dominque being in the chapel simultaneously as she had so many digits after the decimal that only the divine could be involved in the scheme reuniting the two Ex-lovers. So many feelings and memories rushed to the front lines while she listened to Dominque, who undisturbed continued.

"Thank you for giving me this second chance."

Despite the deception, the man prepared her like a warm-up for a greater love. Before him, Kaede lived in fear of being used emotionally and psychologically. The man healed her; here, Dominque came once more to relieve Kaede of any burden or debt she unconsciously believed she had in this indirect conversation.

"I won't let this life go to waste. I'm going to live to the fullest and find a way to make those around me happy. I want to become a better man, someone the woman next to me would have wished to stay with for the rest of her life. Please take care of her. Tell her to live a life without regret, to look ahead of her and not in the past. Tell her I'll always love her no matter the life cycle we're in, and I'll always make my way back to her if it's your plan."

Dominque got up and walked away.

He didn't look back, and Kaede didn't look to see him off.


The two had said it all; they poured their heart out and begged for the other's love and forgiveness. And now it was Dominque's turn to close their story.

They weren't star-crossed lovers. Kaede and Dominique were just two souls who missed the mark in this lifetime.

If reincarnation was a reality, Dominque hoped their beauty marks would guide them to one another. He loved Kaede deeply from day one, and because of that, he preferred to see her happy and in love with someone else than desperate and sad with him. He survived his kidney operation, but his plate was still full of issues he didn't want the woman to taste.

The decision was difficult, but it was time he took care of his tale and existence.

Kaede got up and left the chapel. Guran said they would pass New Year's Eve together. Kaede hoped he would keep his promise. As the saying goes, the last known face one saw before midnight was the one they would spend the year. The woman crossed her fingers that Guran would be there before New Year struck. As for the moment, the last face was Dominque's.

She loved Guran. Doubts and fears, Kaede still existed, but all she wished was to be with the man she chose. They were opposites with a few common traits. It was the type of relationship that needed work, but every challenge they succeeded in brought them closer together.

Unlike what Dominque imagined, he was not a mistake. He was a good man but not the one her heart longed to meet.

Kaede hoped Dominque, too, would realize that there was someone out there for him. The person probably didn't expect him, nor did she wish for a man like him, but Dominque would be the one she needed.

Love wasn't complicated. The sentiment was pure. Kaede knew she twisted and knotted her stories and that even if she had Guran, other trials would come to put their love to the test.

The woman didn't mind. Everything would be fine as long as the man remained by her side.

Kaede went to her apartment, took a shower, and got ready. She had her legs waxed the day before; she rubbed her oil, Fresh Sugar Ultra-Nourishing oil, to make her skin more supple. For the last night of 2020, Kaede wore a Kiki de Montparnasse corset and thong set with its robe.

She knew what Guran preferred was her body; no dress would fit the bill, so Kaede didn't bother herself with formalities.

It was ten, the food, the champagne, and her body waited for a man who still wasn't there. Kaede sighed and turned on her console. Playing video was a little consolation prize.

Guran had gotten her the incredibly sort-out Play 5 and Xbox X. If, for some, the gift wasn't lavish for Kaede, it showed how much attention the man paid to what she said the things she liked. She also knew the consoles were out of stock everywhere and that the man must have purchased the products at an obscene price.

11 PM.

Guran kept her waiting, and Kaede began to lose patience, she sat on her couch, zapped, and before she knew it, Kaede slept.

A tickling sensation on her cheek woke the woman, "good evening, madame."

"Guran, I've been waiting like forever," the woman sulked.

Kaede had given him the codes and the keys to her apartment. For the man, it was the best Christmas gift ever.

"I'm sorry, there was so much traffic, the taxi couldn't go any quicker.

Kaede was suddenly alert, "what time is it?"

"Ten minutes to midnight."

Kaede shot up, the food theㅡ."

The man grabbed her in an embrace, "I don't need that. I've got all the food I need right here," said the man who pulled away to admire his woman, "gosh, you're sexy."

"You see that, and you made me wait."

"I'll make it up to you," the man said. He then scooped Kaede up and carried her to the bedroom.

Kaede would never forget New Year 2021 as the first year she didn't spend alone. And the year which began with an orgasm giving the beat of things to come.

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