2. "Let the game begin"

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"Unlike many of my colleagues, I will not teach you how to study the law or theorize about it, but how to practice it, in court, like a real lawyer," Annalise says. He turns to the curtain on the board and takes control. "Now, to the story of our first case" he clicks on the control.

An image of a man is projected in front of everyone along with the text.

The aspirin killer. Now, tell us the facts ... "he reads on the paper for a moment and then names:" Connor Walsh "

Diana watches Connor get up and, although she can only see his back, she clearly knows what smile he's putting on from being named first. It's going to be so obnoxious later.

"Commonwealth v. Gina Sadowski was an attempted murder case," Connor says in a calm, confident voice. "The defendant, Ms. Sadowski, worked as a second assistant to the victim, Arthur Kaufman, the executive director of an advertising agency. However, Ms. Sadowski was not only his assistant. She was also his lover" he concludes and he sits.

"What happened after Mr. Kaufman's wife of 27 years, Agnes, found out about the matter?" Annalise asks, and points to someone in the side rows "You"

The doucheface who made eyes at Diana earlier gets up from his seat and responds fluently. "He ended the relationship and transferred her to the accounting department. That's when he allegedly changed one of his blood pressure pills for an aspirin, which he knew he was allergic to, "he ends with an emphasis and sits back down. Diana can't help but roll her eyes.

"What happened when Mr. Kaufman ingested the aspirin? Anyone?"

Diana raises her hand, as do many students, but a girl in the front row gets up and speaks before anyone else.

"Mr. Kaufman suffered anaphylactic shock. His throat swelled and his brain was deprived of oxygen for seven minutes before his first assistant could resuscitate him, "he says. Then, with a proud tone, he adds: "Michaela Pratt" and sits down.

A sharp smile spreads across Diana's face. All right, her're already identifying her competition and that girl is climbing to the top of her list.

"So, we have established the actus reus. What is the mens rea? Wesley Gibbins?"

"The... mens rea?" the appointee babbles from the back row, obviously confused, "Uh, yeah, sure" starts flipping through his book.

"First day and you're not ready?"

"Not. I mean, um, yeah. Only ... I didn't know there was something I had to prepare "

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