Chapter 13: Exploration

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Hey look, I'm alive! Sorry for the long delay, but here's the next chapter. The POV in this chapter switches from Flame (1st section) to Ralek (2nd) and finally to Rowen. Enjoy! :D


I arrived at the 'Great Hall' to find it in a state of frenzied chaos. A few dozen Vikings were running amok, overturning tables and looking under rocks. I sighed, then started scanning the small crowd for Hiccup and Astrid. I finally spotted them by the forge, talking to Gobber. All three appeared worried, which confirmed my suspicions about the cause of the chaos. I slipped around the outskirts of the clearing, reaching the forge in time to nearly get knocked over by Gobber as he left.

"What's going on?" I questioned the Riders.

"Toothless is missing. I finished his new tailfin and gave it to him to test out. I was going to go with him, just in case, but now he's disappeared. The only signs I've found are a few scattered scales," Hiccup replied, looking around as though expecting to see the Fury appear out of nowhere.

"So, about that..." I began. "I may know where he is."

"You do?" Hiccup immediately brightened. "Where?"

"Well, apparently the twins were trying to pull a prank on you and decided to make it look like Toothless had disappeared. I know, stupid idea," I said, talking over an interjection by Astrid, "but they did it. And also-" I cut myself off, reminding myself that I wasn't going to tell them until tomorrow night at the earliest. "Nevermind."

"What were you going to say?" Astrid pressed.

"I said, nevermind," I repeated. "As in, it doesn't... really... matter."

Astrid raised an eyebrow in disbelief, crossing her arms. "Ok, I know something's up. Wait, is someone else missing? Where's Fishlegs and Snotlout?"

"You're not worried about the twins?" I asked, hoping to change the subject.

"Yeah, no," Astrid said. "They were here to pull the prank, and it wasn't all that long ago. They're probably fine. But seriously though, what was it?"

I hesitated. "Well..."

"It's alright if she doesn't want to say, Astrid," Hiccup cut in, although he looked just as curious as she did.

"Fine," Astrid said dismissively. "As long as it's actually not important. What matters now is that we need to find Toothless. You said you know where he is?"

"Not... exactly. The twins are the ones that know where he is, I just know that the twins know."

"He's probably just off searching for the Light Fury, he seemed really impatient earlier," Hiccup said, trying to sound cheerful and only barely succeeding.

I hope so, I thought. If not, there's only one place he could be...


Ralek whistled cheerfully as he walked into the Great Hall, his Monstrous Nightmare close behind. The Hall seemed less chaotic than usual, but that was expected, as almost a third of Berk had left with Hiccup. Despite knowing, it was still kind of sad to see all the empty tables. Ralek walked over to the back of the Hall, where the stew from yesterday still sat, along with some yak meat for those who didn't want food poisoning. He sniffed the stew dubiously, then dumped a heaping ladleful onto his plate, grabbing a piece of meat as well.

Looking around the Hall, he saw a group of Vikings at one table, talking quietly amongst themselves. One of them looked up, and waved him over. Ralek strode over to the table, thumping down at one end. "Mornin'!" he greeted, recognizing almost all of the Vikings as having participated in previous Best Viking Stories competitions. "Are y' all gowin ta be in tha Vikin' Stories competition ag'in?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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