Chapter 3 - Coming of the Snow

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Forgot to mention this earlier, but if you have any questions, comments, and/or theories, feel free to comment! Enjoy!


I arrived home to find the door creaking slowly on its hinges and Spirit nowhere to be seen. I sighed. I was already cold, and hungry, and tired, and now I’d have to find an elusive gray Fury… in the dark. But, maybe Spirit had only gone to get dinner; in that case, she wouldn't be too far away. I’d still have to look for her though, just in case.

I went inside and grabbed my cloak, plus a handful of dried berries for dinner, and started back out. Right outside the entrance was Spirit. She was acting a bit strangely, though. Her head was cocked to the side, her ear fins were twitching and she kept turning her head from side to side. 

When she saw me, she bounded over. “Come.” 

“Wait, what? Where are we going? What’s happening?” I asked, entirely confused. 

“No time. Come on!” 

I climbed on her back, still wondering at what had come over my friend. The second I was settled in, she took off, flying about as fast as I’d ever seen. The wind took my breath away, and it was all I could do just to hold on as we shot down to the forest on the outskirts of Berk. 

Spirit halted the dive a split second too late, and we crashed into the leaf litter. She was up a second later and running through the trees, while I was trying to spit leaves out of my mouth. A few minutes later we slowed, and I dismounted, still tasting dead leaf. 

Up ahead was a clearing filled with moonlight.

Perfectly peaceful and serene.

A shimmering white stone sat at the far end. I glanced at Spirit, wondering why she’d brought me here, of all places, but she was ignoring me, instead sniffing the air and grumbling softly every few seconds. I looked back to the clearing. Nothing had changed. 

A crash sounded, close by, and I tensed, ready to fight whatever was coming at us. The crashing continued, closer and closer, then suddenly Toothless sprang into view, looking around wildly. He froze when he saw the shimmering rock, then quietly slunk towards it, humming softly.

Then it moved. 

I gasped. It wasn’t a rock.

It was a dragon.

The ‘rock’ lifted one of its wings, revealing smooth white scales and brilliant blue eyes. That dragon looks like a Fury, I realized with a shock. Toothless rumbled surprise, lifting his head, and walked a bit faster. The other Fury shot up, roaring a warning to the Night Fury. Toothless paused, then continued on, this time skirting the edge of the clearing. The white Fury didn’t stop him this time, only watched him come nearer. He padded forward, and had almost reached the dragon when its head shot up, scanning the trees directly to my right. Instantly it reared up and shot a plasma blast.

Yep, definitely another Fury.

It had to be. No other dragon could shoot plasma. I saw movement from around the burned trees, and two figures slowly rose from around the shattered stumps. The Fury rose up again, hissing a threat, but Toothless roared at her to stop and she dropped back down. With one final look, she turned and ran, disappearing in the night sky. 

Poor Toothless was heartbroken. He tried to run after her, but without Hiccup riding him he couldn’t follow. He turned around to the two figures in the blackened trees, and they stepped forwards, revealing themselves to be Hiccup and Astrid. Hiccup walked up to Toothless and rubbed his head, and they stared after the strange Fury. Astrid seemed to sense something else however, and she turned her head ever so slightly to look at the surrounding trees… right in my direction. I froze, hoping she hadn’t noticed me. One eyebrow rose slowly. She deliberately turned back to Hiccup and Toothless, and I groaned softly. How can she have such good eyesight? 

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