I might be in love?

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Felix : *sees Bangchan coming back*
Felix : Hyung-
*notices him smiling*
Felix : You look happy?
Bangchan : *smiles* Something like that.
Felix : What do you mean?
Bangchan : Nothing. *smiles*
Felix : Stop smiling you are creeping me out.
Bangchan : Okay geez..
Y/n : Oooo~ He raps well. He is... really handsome.
*reading the comments*
Mingyu's wifey
- My man is so handsome.
- Omg Mingyu how can you be so handsome?
- Joshua I love you!
Y/n : He must be very popular.
*next morning*
Y/n : *sleeping*
I.N: Isn't Y/n noona awake?
Felix : I don't think so.
Cameraman : Felix can you go wake her up. We need to go somewhere for shooting.
Felix : Oh sure.
Felix : *walks into Y/n's tent*
Felix : Y/n...?
Y/n : *still sleeping*
Felix : Yah wake up we will be late for shooting.
Y/n :...
Felix : *sigh* *strokes her gently* Y/n wake up...
Y/n : Mingyu...
Felix : Mingyu- I am Felix though..
*looks at her*
Felix : She is still sleeping...
Bangchan : *walks into the tent* What are you doing here?
Felix: Oh the cameraman told me to wake her up.
Bangchan : Ah.. *looks at Y/n*
Bangchan : You go get ready I will wake her up.
Felix : Okay then. *stands up*
Bangchan : Y/n wake up.
Y/n : ..
Bangchan : ........
*looks at her*
Inner Bangchan : She looks so cute.. *blush*
"Suddenly Y/n's alarm rings."
Bangchan : *startled*
Y/n :*wakes up*
Y/n : It's morning already?
Bangchan : You didn't hear me calling you but you heard the alarm?
Y/n : You were calling me..?
Bangchan : Never mind get ready we need to go.
Y/n : Ah okay.
Felix : *brushing his teeth* Mingyu huh.. ?
Bangchan : Mingyu Sunbaenim..?
Felix : Oh hyung did she wake up?
Bangchan : Yeah. What about Mingyu Sunbaenim?
Felix : Oh that..
Inner Felix : He likes her.. He might get sad.
Felix: He is so good at rapping you know? Omg his performance in the award show was amazing.
Bangchan : Yeah it was really amazing.
Y/n : *texting Jisung*
Y/n : Yo is Jin still mad at me?
Jisung : Of course... I can't even take your name in the house. He will just glare at me if I do..
Y/n : Oh okay...
Y/n : *sigh*
Felix : You okay?
Y/n : Nah.
Felix : What happened?
Y/n : Had a fight with Jin.
Felix : Your older brother?
Y/n : Yeah.
Felix : Why do you call your older brother by his name?
Y/n : I just don't like the word oppa.
Felix : Ah.. Call him hyung instead then?
Y/n : I have already developed the habit of calling him by his name.
Felix : That's fine then.
Y/n : Do you have any siblings?
Felix : Yap. I have an older sister and a younger sister.
Y/n : Ah what are their names?
Felix : Rachel and Olivia.
Y/n : They are in Australia?
Felix : Yap but they come to Korea from time to time to visit me.
Y/n : Lucky... My brothers seem like they don't even care about me.
Felix : They probably care for you?
Y/n : Huh?
Felix : I mean you are the first person I have seen who says I love you to your brothers on phone.
Y/n : Ah that...
Y/n : Well actually once we had a huge fight when we were kids. And our mom found out and we got grounded for that... And from that day onwards she made a rule that we would say I love you to each other after phone calls.
Felix : *laughs* Wah she did great.
Y/n : And now we just have a habit of saying that... But really we don't mean it .
Felix : That's wrong. You shouldn't say I love you to anyone unless you really mean it.
Y/n : Well you are right... But I hate their guts.
Felix : *smiles* I wish I could have also spent more time with my sisters. Now I am so busy we hang out rarely. I miss them.
Y/n : Exactly if you are far away you will miss them if you live with them you will find them annoying. That's the difference between you and me.
Felix : Yeah I guess so..
Y/n : I bet they don't even miss me now that I am here in Jeju...
Felix : You miss them don't you?
Y/n : Why would I miss them?
Felix : Then why do you keep on talking about them.
Y/n: ... *stops walking*
Felix : *smiles* You understood right?
Y/n: Yeah I guess. Thanks Felix.
Felix : No problem. Just cherish them when you are with them. Nobody knows how much time together you would be able to spend with them.
Y/n : *nods and smiles*
Bangchan: What are you guys talking about?
Y/n : Oh nothing haha.
Bangchan : Really?
Felix : Yeah hyung it's really nothing.
Inner Bangchan : I feel like Felix is getting closer with Y/n..
Y/n : *sitting on a bench*
"Stray kids playing a game for the variety show. "
Y/n : Cause I'm your home home home home~
Y/n : Wait which song is this?
Y/n : *trying to remember * It keeps ringing in my head.
Y/n : Oh wait it's home by seventeen...
Y/n : Damn I have been watching their videos all night...
Bangchan : Hey. *smiles*
Y/n : Oh the shooting finished?
Bangchan : Yap. *sits beside her*
Y/n : Wah Seventeen's songs are so catchy.
Bangchan : Jeongin made you listen didn't he?
Y/n : Yap I got interested and watched their videos all night.. *yawns*
Bangchan : No wonder.. You didn't get enough sleep...
Y/n : Huh I did though..
Bangchan : You look tired.
Y/n : Ah probably because of walking a lot. Haha...
Bangchan : *smiles*
Inner Y/n : Never mind Bangchan is more handsome to me than Mingyu..
Bangchan : You okay?
Y/n : You are just too handsome.
Bangchan : *blush* What?
Y/n : What?
Inner Y/n : Wait did I say that out loud?
Lee Know : What are the lovebirds doing-
Y/n : Lovebirds..?
Bangchan : *covers Lee Know's mouth* Haha he means the love birds they are flying there. *points*
Y/n :Ah those birds?
Lee Know : Yeah that...
Y/n: I will go help the staffs pack up.
Bangchan : Oh okay.
Y/n: *walking away*
Bangchan : *looks at her smiling*
Lee Know : Hyung you okay?
Bangchan : I don't know. I just feel warm inside.. When I talk to her or see her.. Her smile makes me happy...
Lee Know : *speechless*
Bangchan : Minho.. *looks at him* I think......I might be in love... ?

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