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i quickly took a shower and went over to my closet and started picking my outfit, 10 minutes past and im still looking for a good outfit, i sighed,i i sat down and opened my pintrest board, i started searching for outfits until i finally found one with things i own, i go back to ny closet and pick the outfit out and started getting dressed, i was wondering what should i do with my hair, i decided to do huge curles at the bottom of my hair, i did that and then talia came to the room

"heyy" i said not looking at her

"hello" she replied with

"its 6 pm are you ready jules" talia said

"i just need to do my makeup and grab my accessories" i said unplugging the hair curler since i finished

"bitch do you know you atleast take 2 hours to do your "simple" makeup" talia suddenly said mocking the "simple"

"i swear i do not take that long" i said furrowing my brows

"then you better be fast for this date" talia said as she sat down on the couch in our room and opened her laptop

i started adding some makeup, not alot tho, im lucky that my face is intirely the same tone but a bit darker in some places but they barely even showed so i didnt need to use any foundation, i used eyeliner,simple lashes, lipgloss, blush, and drawn my eyebrows only a bit tho so it looks pretty natural, i finally finished since i didnt add alot, it was around 6:49, i quickly add some accessories and grab my bag and started filling it, cash,gum,card,phone, and some other stuff that dont really matter, it was 6:55 now so i went downstairs but i didnt find jj anywhere, ethan popped up

"oh hello there jules, you look good" ethan said checking me out

"thank you ethan, ah also did you see jj anywhere?-" i say as suddenly the front door opens and we both look there

it was jj

he looked handsome

i smiled

"are you ready princess?" jj said

i laughed" jj stop thats cringy" i said as i walked over to him

"bye ethan" i said to ethan as me and jj both left

"you look good tonight jj you did such a great job on your outfit" i said

"well i have to look good for the queen right" jj smirked as we laughed at it after

"but oh my god have you seen yourself you look so stunning" jj said

"thank you jj" i said as i started blushing but he couldn't see it because of the makeup

we went and sat in the car, he opened the door for me, such a gentleman, but still a fatneek, IM KIDDING, maybe...

he started driving as we chatted but he wouldn't tell me where we were going, it was annoying, i dont like surprises, we started talking as jj suddenly got lost,

"ah shit" jj said

"what" i replied with

"the restaurant is supposed to be here" as we both look at the empty street with no buildings

we both laugh

"oh my god jj" i said as i smiled

he started driving around as we finally gave up and knew we lost the restaurant, we decided to go to the cinema, but the movie we wanted to watch the seats were all taken, so we decided to sneak in there....., ofc some people bought the ticket and never came, so if we found a place, we are lucky, if we didnt.., we will eventually have to sit on the stairs and watch there

we arrived to the cinema and there was surprisingly no one outside the movie

"oh then thats gonna be easy" i said as we started walking we go left to the door as we see 2 guys who clearly work there

"well uh its not easy anymore" jj said

"i have an idea" i said to jj

"listen jj i'll sneak into the staff room and grab a pen and a paper ill write your name and ill stick it up your shirt just as if you work here" i said to jj

as jj looking at me and started chuckling

i quickly sneak into the staff room and find a workers name, i quickly take it, the name was dylan, so i guess jj is dylan now, i walk over to jj and give him the dylan card,

"okay jj listen you go in and ill know what to do" i said

"you sure?" jj said

"yes im sure just be at the door im gonna tell them that i left and came back so i bought the ticket and you come and say that you saw me come in with the ticket" i explain to jj as jj laughed again

jj went inside which worked, i tried walking in without saying anything to them WHICH WORKED, they are bad at there job, anyways me and jj walked up and look if theres some free seats, we found almost 5 free seats so we took 2 beside eachother and sat there , we successfully watched the movie, we quickly went out with the people so nobody would notice, once we got out, WE RAN TO THE CAR.


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