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we finally arrived back, me and ethan took my car and started driving to his house so i can drop him there and then i go back home to meet rose, meanwhile in the car we started blasting the song"bills,bills,bills" by destinys child

"CAN YOU PAY MY BILLSSS" i sang while driving



we sang until the song ended and i wanna be your slave by maneskins came up as i blasted the volume and we both sang it

"ethan do you wanna put your things and go back to my apartment?" i asked ethan

"yeah sure" he replied with

we arrived at ethan's and we took his bags and got them up to his apartment

we went back down and started driving again but to my house, but we didnt really listen to music we just kept talking

"it was fun last week we had lots of fun" i said

"yeah it was so fun but we didnt get alot of time together" ethan said scratching the back of his neck

"yeah your right then lets meet up everyday until they come back or maybe we can also hang out after they come" i said

"yeah sure my interview is tomorrow morning so after i finish that ill head over to yours if you would like" ethan said

"yeah sure ill be waiting" i said as i finally parked

we got down and got my bags with me, i slide in the key for my apartment to open it, i open the wide open as we both go in

"ROSEE IM BACK" i shout

i see rose running from her room and hugs me

"hellooo" rose said

"hello rose" ethan said back

ethan and rose have met a couple of times before


we were all at the beach again but without ethan and jules, i sat down looking at the water a bit far away from the others, my eye suddenly caught harry and deema running around as usual but instead them falling intop of eachother, those love birds, anyways i was bored so i decided to facetime jules

she accepted

"helloooo jj" she said, god i missed her voice and not even 2 days have passed

"helloo juless" i said back

"are you at the beach" she asked

"yeah i am" i said as i smiled

she flips her phone to see ethan there

"oh hello there ethan" i said

"hello jj what are you doing" ethan asked

"im at the beach watching two love birds uhm harry and deema running around" i said as jules and ethan laughed

we kept talking, but still wished i was in ethan's place right now, i said hi to rosalia but she was in a call with niko, no idea why, julie and behz decided to hang up since to order dinner and watch a movie, as i said wishing i was ethan right now

i came back to the rest and sat with them as we all started talking about random stuff, we decided to go home but we lost deema and harry, called them, there phones are here, we had no idea where were they until they suddenly appeared behind a stone doing sand castles like kids, we packed and went back home

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