Welcome Home

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I wasn't on my bed.
Reflexes kick in
Eyes open, hands stretch out, legs flex -
Why is everything so dusty?
And was I passed out on a table?
The living room table
From home
New Orleans
Wait -
What is that smell?
And why is it so appetizing?
Legs move as if in a Daze on muscle memory alone
Footsteps have turned squeaky
I'm almost afraid to look down
Instead I forge on ahead
And look up to see the Proud Mikaelson Crest now shining with a soft sheen of red covering it
Hands are now out of control
They quiver
Or maybe my whole body does
I don't care to distinguish
Other footprints
I can't bring myself to think of the actual word
Red again
It was everywhere now
The mantel
The walls
The furniture
The curtains should definitely be burnt
Maybe along with the bloodied bodies on the floor
Oh I said it
I moved closer
I could hear it gushing out of open wounds
Could taste the iron in the air
I take a knee
Could feel death pricking at my skin
Those were nails
I reach out
I look at my hands for the first time since I woke up
Beaten, bruised, bloodied
I look past him
And I see the bodies of what was left of my Family

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