Cause and Effect

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Something was poking out of my chest and it was very uncomfortable
Also the manacles were a bit of a pain too
And the damp ground was not making my mood better
Chains rattling
I look up and see two figures
Blurred because whatever they stabbed me with must have been sealed with pretty powerful magic slowing down my healing
Thats a bummer
Because I would have loved to kick these people in the face

They're inside now
I squint and I can make out their features albeit with a little difficulty
I know these faces
These people
I pull at my manacles to move closer to see them better
"Hope we're really sorry for the restraints but we weren't sure if the ritual would work"
Aunt Davina?
"Sweetie it's me" the other voice said"your aunt Freya. I know you can't see well and that you haven't fully healed yet but -" she bent down and leveled with me "-we'd really like to get you out of those chains" she said brushing my hair gently away from my face.
My confusion must've shown on my face seeing as how she took a deep breath and started explaining what exactly happened
"You became a Tribrid to protect your School. But once it was done you snapped. All those years of trauma did that -" she added when she saw the guilt written in my eyes "- not you. Your friends siphoned you and knocked you out for a while and Caroline got you to New Orleans."
Aunt Davina continued " We wanted to try talking to you. It seemed to work at first but then it became worse. So we did whatever it took to get you back."
"I killed you" my cracked whisper sounds desperate
" You may have scratched us with those claws but you didn't kill us. We were just momentarily incapacitated." Aunt Freya chuckled and added "And the spell backfired a bit"
"Freya the testing spell" aunt Davina turned towards me
"I would say that I know my niece but I also know she was ready to rip us all apart last night. So-" she stood up still smiling at me "-we're just gonna do a spell to see if you're fine. "
"But first " Aunt Davina had a small blade in her hand "we need some of that Tribrid blood"she said stepping closer to me
She got into the position Aunt Freya was in a few moments ago and looked at me questioningly
I give her a nod.
She draws the blade across my right palm
The one that had just turned pink
She rises , lets the blood drip onto a small carved wooden Chess piece
I feel tears clouding my vision as I look at yet another remnant of my Father's

The Chess piece is now on a nearby stone
They've joined hands and are starting to chant around it
The dust picks up
Soon it's a whirlwind
There's a ringing in my ears
It gets worse
The pressure keeps building
I close my eyes
And just like that it's gone
"And we're done" I hear Aunt Davina say
"What about me?" I ask hesitantly trying to get into a better position rather than the half sprawling half sitting one I was in
"Am I okay?" I search their eyes

"Better than that. You're a Mikaelson" replies Aunt Rebekah entering the little prison.
"I couldn't wait to see my favourite niece . Ripper or otherwise" she smiled.
"We've taken off the enchantments. You can remove those monstrosities now" said Aunt Freya
"Thank Goodness or it would have hurt as I was  planning on ripping them off anyways." She smirked as she got rid of the chains in one swift motion and had me standing and leaning on her in the next.
"What now?" My  voice sounds exhausted.
Aunt Davina's the one that replies this time " Dinner. Lots and lots of food and maybe a bath. But definitely some non-magical sleep."
"You up for that?" Auntie Bex asks softly
"Yes" all my relief was poured into that one word
They carried me out of my cell and into my Home

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