coming to orario

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I hope you enjoy this new book of mine:)

With that being said on with the chapter!

3rd person

Orario a city where people can go and become adventures and become famous or can go and get riches or woman/men but a girl isn't coming to orario for any of those reasons.

In the outskirts of orario you can see a really beautiful girl with silver hair and red eyes like blood and has a well developed body and in "certain" areas as well, but her figure overall is perfect. This girl was going to orario to see someone very special to her and very imported you could say.

As she was reaching orario she saw the gates and two guards.

The guards turned to look at her but where astonished by the girls beauty.

The girl then reached the two and was now in front of the two guards.

???: hello?

Said the girl as she snaps the two guards back to reality by her husky like voice.

And by her voice the guards knew almost instantly to not mess with her

Guard 1: o-oh hello miss.

???: hello again.

Guard 2: what are you doing here miss? Are you here to become an adventure?

???: yeah that's right.

Guard 1: well i hope you have a great day and that your adventure life goes well miss.

???: thank you..

The silver haired girl then goes pass the gates and is now finally in orario. The sight is different to what she's used to.

The second guard turns to his friend

Guard 2: bro did you see her?!

Guard 1: yeah man she is hot!

Guard 1: oh crap!

Guard 2: what?

Guard 1: i forgot to ask her what's her name...

Guard 2: you idiot! Why didn't ask for her name!

Guard 1: idiot?! i didn't see you try and ask her name!

Guard 2: i-i thought you where gonna ask!

Guard 1: well i didn't and now we don't know her name!

The two guards started arguing over why didn't the other didn't ask for the girls name or something, but little did they know that the girl even far away from them was able to here they're conversation

The silver haired girl scoffed at the two guards.

???: pigs.

The silver haired girl then looked at the city in front of her and thought one thing,

So this is orario huh? Dosen't matter as long as he's here I'm happy.

The girl then started walking around the city looking for that special someone..

And that's it for this chapter i hope you enjoyed and sorry for the short chapter next chapter will be longer

Also do you know who bells girlfriend is? If so let me know.

But even if you don't it's okay she will be reviled next chapter

With that being said I will see you guys next time bye Byee!:)

Bell's secret girlfriendDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora