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Jaxon's POV

We were a couple feet away from the house Souline was in , watching to see if we could see any movement .

All of a sudden we heard a branch snap behind us causing us to turn around ready to Attack .

" Freya ? What are you doing here " I asked her angrily

" I came to help " she said coming out of the woods with some more girl warriors .

" Freya y-- " I started but was cut off by my sister .

"Jaxon , I had to ... I- I have to help her like she helped me . I need to help her . " she said starting to tear up at the memories .

" You stay by my side the whole time do you understand " I told her sternly

" I will " she said

I turned back around as I felt the 3 warriors I sent out to search the area come back .

" There's some people guarding and we can see more around the building , Some inside as well . "  said my warrior .

" Ok , we can't give them a chance to alert anyone . So Freya , Jason , Sabrina you know what to do . Make sure it's at the same time " I told them .

They all nodded and I saw as they each grabbed a bow and some arrows. Each picking out a person . I saw as they each aimed and made sure they were aiming correctly and saw as they each nodded there heads as they all aimed and hit all three at the same time not giving them a chance to warn the others .

I nodded at them , telling them they did a good job , they moved to the other three who where on the other side . And saw them go down as well . They made sure all the guys where down before coming back to us and giving me a nod.

I gave everyone directions , as we all split off into groups of 5 , It was me , Ares , Freya , Elijah , and Justin. And everyone else went there own ways and surrounded the building .

Some went in through the back as we were going on through the front , as soon as we walked in we noticed this building wasn't much but an illusion , inside the small cabin was a huge old abandoned building .

This changed our plans , because we thought we were going into a small cabin but it's a huge building , if it weren't for our numbers we'd be screwed.

I quickly mind linked everyone letting them know the small cabin we see from the outside is only an illusion .

More people went inside , all of us going down a different hallway .

5 minutes in an alarm started going off , red lights flashing everywhere .

" Looks like they know we're here " said Ares

We went down the hall looking in every room for my little soul . Door after door and still nothing .

I came across a room that faintly still had her scent and looked around , I noticed all the blood around and a puddle specifically under what looks to be a torture chair .

I felt my heart clench at the sight , knowing this was her blood . I quickly got out of there and began searching as I was now extremely mad and was on the verge of shifting .

I came across two men and I just quickly snapped there neck not caring , and continued on my search completely forgetting about everyone else that was with me .

I made turn after turn leaving more bodies behind , Just wanting to get to Souline . I was half shifted , which for other people would be very scary . But it was normal too me .

I finally rounded a corner and saw five dudes standing around , I quickly kill them and left one injured .

" where's the girl " I asked through clenched teeth . Starring down at him . Picking him up by the neck and holding him against the wall .

He looked at me with wide eyes , seeing the beast before him who just killed 4 of his friends in a blink of an eye and not one scratch .

" WHERE IS SHE " I yelled at him .

" S-She " he said gasping

I dropped him and waited for him to catch his breathe.

" down the H-Hall turn L-left then take a R-Rig" he started but I snapped his neck and continued on my way to find My beautiful Soul.

" pathetic " I whispered

At this point I was running down the halls trying to find her.

I finally came to the hallway the man had said and I could smell Souline causing me to speed up .

I rounded the corned and opened a door that led me to some stairs , I quickly went down the stairs and followed her scent to a cell door .

I got to the cell and there sat Souline ... my beautiful Souline .

I saw her slowly look up at me from looking at Ares who I just realized was in here with her .

I saw relief cross her eyes . Ares went to pick her up and she winced causing me to finally look down at her body .

The sight causing me to fall to my knees. .

My Destined Alpha MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora