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Souline's POV

I took the cardigan off , knowing the looks I was about to get from them . Because they were all about to see what it is I've been hiding .

I set it down on the chair I was laying on and walked towards the water , I heard someone gasp but I ignored it and continued on my way to the water . A tear slipped but I just wiped it off as I walked in deeper.

When I was deep enough I took a deep breath in as I fell back into the water . I was fully submerged and I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders . I felt the water pick up around me as I felt as if it was hugging me .

I just floated there , until I was pushed up by the water and I just floated on top , the water now calm with small waves that moved me around .

I had my eyes shut enjoying the water , when I was under water I could hear someone asking if I was ok , or when I would come back up .

But good thing of having the element of water is I can be under water for a while . I quickly stood up as I smelt blood . I looked around trying to find the source. I could see everyone look at me when I stood up and were now trying to figure out what I was looking for . I saw as Ellie told them that I smelt blood .

I slowly got out of the water as I looked around trying to see what direction the smell of the blood was coming from .

My head snapped to the left as the smell of blood got stronger I looked in the ocean and noticed someone was there struggling .

I quickly ran in the direction as I felt them all run behind me .

" Souline wait , you can't go in there " I heard from behind me . I noticed it was a teenage girl and it looks like she was hurt .

" She needs help " I screamed  . I stepped in the water but stopped myself as it might not be safe for my babies .

I saw as Nick and Jaxon dived in there trying to help the girl . As they pulled her towards the shore the smell of the blood became too much and I covered my nose with my hand .

" What happened are you ok " I  asked the girl .

" I don't know something bit me " she said .

I snatched Ares shirt which he had in his hand as I ripped it and fell down beside the girls leg .

I took a deep breath as I wrapped the shirt around her leg , blood getting all over my hands . I brought my hand up towards my face as I looked at the blood around it . I cleared my throat as I washed them with the ocean .

" she needs medical help " I whispered as I cleared my throat .

As I said that I heard sirens in the distance and saw another girl running in our direction .

" they are coming ok " she said to her friend.

" thank you so much for helping her out " she cried to us .

" it was no problem " said Jaxon .

After we made sure the girl was ok we decided to head home and make dinner, we hung out by the pool while my brothers cooked the burgers and hot dogs. I was floating on my back when I felt someone float beside me.

" You had control " said Ares from beside me

" Of course I did " I told him

" Does it still hurt " he whispered

" Sometimes" I said turning my head towards him.

" You know, You're the strongest person I know. You've been through a lot .... And you still sit here and laugh and smile. " He said

" I try to be strong, Even when I feel like giving up " I told him sincerely

" I love you Souline , and I wouldn't have wanted to share the womb with anyone else " He said with a smile causing me to laugh .

" I love you too Dork " causing him to sarcastically Let out a gasp and pull me down under water.

" She's pregnant " I heard someone scold Ares but all I heard was a " She will be fine " back .

With the flick of my wrist I had Ares thrown with the help of the water and he landed all the way on the other side of the pool .

" You fucking cheater" He yelled.

I just shrugged my shoulders as I Caused the water to rise over him so that he was underwater just like I had previously been .

" That's not fair " He whined when he came back up .

I just stuck my tongue out at him as I continued to float and enjoy all of nature.

" Food is ready " yelled Asher as everyone ran towards the food.

I continued to float around and relaxed a bit more until I got hungry , I got out and wrapped a towel around me and walked towards the burgers that were already made.

I took a bite out of my burger and walked towards where the girls where at and sat on the ground.

" sit up here Souline " said Sofie getting up .

" sit down , She always prefers the floor " said Selleste with a laugh .

" Are you sure ? " she said looking at me. I just nodded as I took another bite of my burger .

We continued to talk and the boys ended up joining us after an hour and we just talked and told old stories until everyone started going up to there rooms.

I sat at the edge of the pool enjoying the night breeze , I looked up at the moon admiring its beauty .

After an hour of just sitting there I decided to go  up to my room , I walked in and grabbed my towels and as I passed the bed I noticed someone was laying on it .

I noticed it was just Jaxon and continued on my way to the bathroom , after a nice relaxing shower I changed into some shorts and a large t-shirt and laid down on the other side of the bed .

And I was finally able to drift off too sleep knowing Jaxon was beside me and his scent relaxed me and soon I was off to the dream world.

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