I Found You

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Early morning was the time of Thursday as the sun beams down the neighborhood of an uncrowded street. People were starting to wake up at six o'clock in the morning, there were morning people and those that were not.

One of them was a baseball player named Y/n L/n.

His alarm has been going off for two minutes straight as he just laid in his bed while the covers hugged his body and a leg.

Sometimes the boy was a morning person but today just wasn't it as he pushes the clock from his nightstand and heard it clank on the floor.

Thankfully it stops ringing as he just sighs and wished that he could go back to sleep. But he can't at the same time since his brain was wide awake now and that he has school.

Grunting, he sits up from his bed, he flies his blanket off from him and lets another breath out to himself. Then he get his foot was light for some reason, he kicks the remaining blanket that covered his feet to reveal a discovery.

Bandages were not visible to him, he had just remembered that he got his cast off yesterday and got the all go. But it wasn't completely healed yet, his doctor said to give it a few days before he can do some heavy lifting and long running.

With a small smile on his face, he rolls off the bed and lands on his feet, he takes a warm shower and gets dressed into his school uniform and heads downstairs with his bag on his back where he was met with the kitchen.

He grabs a few ingredients from inside the fridge, strawberries, a banana, a carton of soy milk, and ice and throws them into the blender and presses the a button.

The white noise was now filled with blades chopping up small slices of fruits and hard ice as Y/n digs into his bag to check if he forgot his assignments.

Smirking, he zips the bag up before shutting the blender off, dumping the sweet contents into a cup and gulps it all down.

That was his breakfast for today as he grabs he walks out of the silent house where his family continue to sleep and head on out to school. Although it seemed early, six thirty in the morning but the walk was far for Y/n.

An hour to get to school and another hour to walk back. It was a tight schedule considering that if... when Y/n gets into the team like he always think, it could be tiring. An hour to get to school, seven hours of school, two hours to practice, and an hour more to walk back home, he would be home at around six to eat dinner, shower, do his homework, and sleep for eight hours to repeat this cycle.

It didn't matter for Y/n. Today he was better because not only did he get the cast off, he doesn't have to rely on his friends to pick him up early in the morning and drive him to school anymore.

A hassle Y/n might think since they would always almost be late for class since there were other students trying to park their vehicles in their designated slots, occasionally yelling at other students to move when they hog up the road to walk on.

But today, he doesn't have to worry anymore. A nice walk through the beautiful neighborhood, a pair of earbuds inserted in his ears to listen to his music, a free foot, it was like heaven.


A good amount of minutes passes by as Y/n could see the large building of Kazehaya High School in his sights. His heart was beating almost rapidly at the nonstop walking through the city of Japan, but it was worth it because he was getting a workout for his legs as well.

He smirks at the school as he was walking along the tall wall the school provided, he could see other students walking along with him and across from him.

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