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May 2nd, 1974

Her mother was doing her hair, braiding it into a braid. She sat on a chair, excited about the school dance. Daddy was getting ready to go to work, he needed some paperwork to get done for the new restaurant that would open up soon!

Daddy looked so happy whenever he talked about the restaurant, it made her happy. Ma added more gel onto her hair so it would go all over the place, that's when daddy walked in, he smiled at her. He gave her a kiss on the check.

"Look at, you've become a young beautiful woman"

She giggled, and he and ma exchanged "I love you" before he headed off to work. When Ma finally finished with her, she called for Ed and Molly. Telling the two to hurry, since they both had a dentist appointment that day.

Daddy told her that Uncle Felix was going to come and pick her up. She could wait, ma told her to come to her and daddy's room. When she entered her mother had a butterfly pin in her hand. She puts it in Sophie's hair.

She sat on the sofa, watching tv, there was only 20 minutes left before Uncle Felix came to pick her up.

She couldn't wait!

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