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Winston Smith was happily married to his wife, Katherine. 

Of course, that did not mean that Julia was going to give up on winning him over. Julia was young, beautiful, seemingly unobtainable to most, and Katherine was not. At around thirty-nine, Winston and his wife were well into middle age. Julia is sure that Winston would choose her.

As for now, there was a problem: Winston did not seem to know that she was trying to seduce him.

Julia could see the sense of unorthodoxy that Winston carried with him. She knew that even some of the most rigid-seeming Party members were not immune to her youth. She could see that Winston was not blind, but he simply did not seem to know what she was doing whenever she tossed her hair or looked out from under her lashes. It was quite the conundrum for Julia, who had never had to deal with that sort of oblivious confusion before this. Was the young coquette not what he preferred? Julia had tried most everything short of telling him "I love you" to his face. All the notes she had tried to pass had either failed under some unique circumstance or disappeared entirely. Julia would try again, of course, but it would be nice if fate did not try to work against her.

Winston's wife, on the other hand, seemed to have had no trouble picking these things up. It was certainly not making things much easier for Julia. Katherine wasn't stopping her or pointing anything out to Winston. No, it was much worse than that. Katherine had decided to utilize a strategy of becoming a perfectly forgiving angel to step (metaphorically) on Julia's face.

"Julia! Darling, would you like to come to the Eurasia Hate Week event preparations with me and my husband?" Katherine smiles. "Big Brother would be proud of the effort you always put into these events."

They were just outside of the Ministry of Truth, where Winston and his wife worked. It was a little after office hours, and Julia had just hurried over from the Ministry of Love for the remote chance that she could catch Winston alone. This, as demonstrated by the above dialogue, proved to be sanguine thinking on Julia's part; ever since Katherine had caught on to he advances a few weeks ago, it had become almost impossible to find Winston without her nearby, if not stuck to his side like a piece of particularly stubborn dogshit.

"I'm glad you think so, Katherine! It's really an honor to be working with an older member so dedicated to the glory of our nation," Julia shyly flits her gaze to Winston; maybe this would be blatant enough. "As part of the younger generation, I feel only admiration for older party members like you and Winston."

Katherine had the audacity to don a maternal expression and smile at Winston, as if she was actually charmed by Julia's "youthful enthusiasm."

Julia considered taking her down an alley and taking her head off with a brick. It would be quick, clean, and nobody would have to know.

"Let's not be late then," Winston cuts in.

Well, Julia would have plenty of time to evaluate her options later. As much as Katherine made her feel as if she was an egg waging war against a brick fortress, Julia knew that this was something she could not hurry. For now, she would just have to decrease the distance between her and Winston, preferably quickly make herself indispensable. The rest could come later.

The three make their way towards the event grounds. 

1984: Winston's HaremWhere stories live. Discover now