Aggressivekouji ~ 1

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Simps: Aggressivekouji just want to sleep! Let him sleep!

Luca: No.


After destroying the White Room from the inside and eradicate my bothersome 'father' I decided to enroll in the Advanced Nurturing High School. I heard from Ichika that she'll join the next year, so I'll wait for her and her cute antics and comfy thighs.

I want a rather peaceful life, but it's not like I can avoid problems, so I'll probably just conquer everything and leave the work to others.

Anyway, I'm feeling quite sleepy, and the chair of the bus is pretty comfortable, so I'll take a quick nap before arriving at school.

Kushida: "Excuse me, but shouldn't you offer up your seat to the old woman?"

Huh? Who the fuck is interrupting my nap? As I open my eyes I see a pretty girl talking to a smirking blonde boy.

Koenji: "That's a really crazy question, pretty girl. Why should I offer up my seat to someone else?"

Don't tell me they're going on a rant.

Kushida: "The lady here seems to have problems standing up, so I think you-"

Like hell they're going to interrupt my sweet nap.

Ayano: "Hey you two, can't you keep it down? You're fucking annoying."

The cute girl flinches and the blonde boy didn't react at all, but his smirk disappears and he's looking at me.

Kushida: "I-I just wanted to help-"

Ayano: "As I care, shut up now or I'll pummel you on the floor, bitch."

The cute girl has a sad look on her face and she apology to the old hag. When she looks at me sideways I notice her anger at me, even though her face doesn't show it. I decide to glare at her and she seems taken aback and shivers.

I like it more, a scared expression on a nice person is always amusing. Though I highly doubt this girl is as nice as she wants to look, but I don't matter enough to investigate.

I notice someone looking at me besides me, but I have a feeling telling me to not look at that person, as it'll be troublesome.

As I was about to close my eyes to finally rest, the bus arrives at school. I swear if I'm ever alone with that girl I'll choke her up until she faints.

I got out of the bus. My goal at this school, sleep peacefully. If someone dares to threaten that, I'll destroy them.

Horikita: "Wait!"

Wow, that was fast. I'm just going to ignore her. I walk past this black-haired girl. Her stern look, her posture, everything gives me a 'trouble' feeling. I don't want to be near her at all.

Horikita: "I told you to wait!"

As she grabs my sleeve, I decided that I had enough and grab her head to smash it on the ground, leaving her unconscious.

Ayano: "Know your place, bitch."

Oh my myself, this school is full of annoying bitches. I wonder if the boys will be as idiotic as that blondie dumbass.

The entrance ceremony was so boring that I slept. I'll thank Pres later for that.

I enter my class and the feeling of being observed is the first thing I notice, so I guess there are cameras all around the classroom.

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