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Ryder running down the field with the ball in his hands. Watching him running around the opponents team running he makes a touch down. The team going wild I look back on the bleachers for the girls looking over Mia yelling jumping into Olivias arms giggling I notice Riley isn't there. Looking over at the boys jumping on one another the police sirens coming closer towards us everyone on the team stops what they were doing. Taking off my helmet the air hitting my face.

It can't be her shes fine she just went to get snacks she'll be back in a minute.

Without even thinking running off the field throwing the helmet on the floor. Everyone yelling for me to go back, I don't stop I keep running people in the way punching them back I make it to the parking lot Christopher in the cop car with a smirk. Making eye contact my heart stops all you see is dark in his eyes. Pushing more people out the way there she is laying on the floor blood coming out of her mouth. Without hesitation I run over kneeling down to her turning her head towards my direction tears welling up my eyes she grins trying to make the situation better. Her bloody teeth showing I move the hair out of her face.

Hearing Olivias sobs and screams coming out. Looking back seeing Wyatt holding her in his arms running is hands through his hair. Ryder yelling at the cops pushing his way through to get to Christopher and Mia trying to grab him by the arms pulling him back. The ambulance sirens coming I look back down at Riley her eyes rolling back coughing up more blood.

"Hey, Hey stay with me okay we still have to get to know each other." I smile down at her she puts her against my cheek she smiles.

"I-I'll b-be okay." She stutter. Putting my hand to hers I hold it into mine nodding my head.

"You'll be okay because you are strong." Tears going down my face she nods her head couching up more blood. More gasp coming towards us more people coming towards the scene I still hold onto her hand.

"It's o-over I-I'm free." She sighs. Nodding my head more she smiles.

"Sir you need to take a step back for we can take her to the hospital." A man comes up with a bag in his hands. Two other people behind him kneeling down to Riley.

"I-I can't do that." I whisper still holding onto her hand turning her head towards my direction she nods.

"I-I'll be f-fine. I p-promise." Letting go of her hand they start working on her more blood coming out of her mouth I stand up running my hand through my hair a sob breaking my lips.

"Fuck." I mutter. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." I stand there watching they lift her onto the bed putting her into the ambulance. Closing the door behind them they start driving away.

"She'll be okay." Ryder comes up to my putting his hand on my shoulder.

I don't know why I care so much about her I just have this feeling when I'm around her. Her smile, her laugh, she's not one of those fake girls she's real she doesn't hide of who she is.

"She'll be okay." I mutter to myself nodding. Looking down at my shirt her blood covered on it looking over everyone staring at us Olivia walking over to me I open my arms for her she walks through them giving her a squeeze.

"She's strong Liv I know she'll be okay." Rubbing her back she nods wiping under eyes.

"I'm going to the hospital to see how she is." Letting go of Liv I walk to my car opening the door the passenger door opening looking over Ryder stands their.

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