Chapter Thirteen

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As soon as they left, Mr. Yoon entered. He slipped through the half-open door, skinny as he was, and began picking things up from the desk. While he did so, he avoided eye contact. The black hair atop his head was the only thing he allowed me to see as he focused on cleaning up the desk.

I rushed to explain that my firing of them didn't mean him too. Unless he was a "go down with the ship" type... "Y-you don't have to leave or anything-"

"Ms. Foxx! This is your office, don't worry! Let me just get some things out of the way and we'll begin with more introductions. You'll be happy to hear that, once you accepted the position, I made quick work of the people who hurt your friend."

The way he said it sounded so monotone. "You didn't kill them... Did you?"

"No!" He grabbed his stomach and bent at the waist, silently laughing because of what I asked. A tear trickled from the corner of his eye and he wiped it away with a smile, "You're just like your father. So worrisome."

There was so much I wanted to ask this man. Questions about the company and what his opinion was of the drug hustling aspect. Amongst those questions, I wanted to berate him for kidnapping Nelly and I. 

All of that could come in due time so I settled for, "How well did you know my dad?"

"Not as long as those two," he gestured to the door meaning the two imbeciles that had just left. "But long enough to know how much he treasured you. He wanted to give you an honest future. I was hired just as he began turning his dirty money into good work. He worked so much... Too much. Especially for a man who already had enough money for five lifetimes and then some."

"And how do you feel about the... Dirty money?" Time to start my probing.

He seemed like an honest man and honest he was, "Um... Not too fond of it but I could see the determination in Mr. Foxx's eyes when he told me what he wanted to build."

"So how do you fit into all of this?" I gestured to all the papers at the desk, my mind already trying to work out how much dedication a company like this must take. The time, effort, and lifestyle.

"This is all me just being restless. I dedicated to dig out a lot of things from the past, just looking over numbers. I'll clear all of this up and then inform you in our meeting on the things we'll have to look into. When Nico and Cole left... The looks on their faces... You fired them, yeah?"

I nodded.

He shrugged, "That's fine. We'll just need some new team members to fill their roles. I can introduce you to people that I believe are fit for the job, would you like that?"

"Yes, thank you." It's hard not to have a permanent smile on my face around this man. After he said that, I felt awakened. All new people for a team that would help me along in this journey. Nothing could make me happier. Except perhaps... "Would I be able to hire someone in my personal life that I trust?"

"Your friend? Nessie?"

"Nelly," I corrected. "And yes. She's hard working when put to a task and I trust her with my life."

He turned the idea over in his head and it took a second for him to nod his head in approval.

Now I felt overjoyed. Nothing. And I mean nothing could top this.

Mr. Yoon sighed. He looked to be debating something internally. "They were supposed to go over  something else with you, but I guess that falls on me now. Your father had a second will, one meant for you once you got to a point in life to take over the company. In that will... He left an estate. Would you like to go tour it? The mortgage is paid off and the salary you'll make here will more than cover the expenses to upkeep it."

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