Chapter Twenty-Four

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My perplexed mind is what made me hold my foot down on the gas like a brick coated with titanium or whatever the heaviest metals of the world were. Like a bride running away from her wedding day, I felt more like I was running to it.

I pulled up curbside in front of their concert hall only to find no one else in the vicinity; no cars, no human beings, just a ghost town for the entire block. The only busy business on this block was Devils though, so no one frequents this area unless there are concerts.

So if there wasn't a concert, what kind of show would I be witnessing?

Taking a quick breather outside the car, I figured something out about myself. If they were to propose, I might say yes. And since I might say yes then it means I've grown to enjoy this lifestyle. 

Throw away the sex and the company I had inherited, just as long as I get to keep my men. My boys. That's why I might say yes if the question were to ever arise. But maybe it doesn't and we continue as normal. At least what we considered normal...

I huffed. Time to do this.

Upon pulling open the front door, I paused. The entire place wasn't lighting up with the strobe lights that I was accustomed to or filled with thunderous music or saturated with sweaty bodies. It was empty except for a quaint table set for three.

Except there's one person here. Me.

I started looking everywhere for someone. Nico, Cole, or anyone who could explain this. But just like outside, it was void of anything.

My rampant mind thought I had to be on some prank TV show and everything had been set up just to see how far I'd go. Everything's a lie for all I know. My dad's past, the company, the house, and my relationship with Nico and Cole.

I looked for hidden cameras and couldn't find any trace. Damn good hidden cameras then.

"Mia." My name was spoken in unison and it made my heart flutter. I looked behind me, from where I stood on the stage checking every crevice for cameras, and landed eyes on my boys.

I straightened. "Nico. Cole."

Casually, I got off the stage and took a place at the table. The empty seats were quickly filled and I situated my elbows on the table then leaned in. Let the staring contest begin.

Their composure was too good for a proposal kind of night. They did have this humorous glint in their eyes so chances of this being a prank show still existed. What else, what else...

Cole cracked first, "What do you think?"

"Of this setup or how damn handsome both of you look in those suits?" They do clean up nice.

I admired their black suits with white dress shirts underneath. If those suits weren't tailored by some deity then call me crazy because they were blessed. Mentally, I had to shove my tongue back into my mouth to stop drooling over them.

They were exceptionally clean shaven today, likely new haircuts. Were they also noticing the little things I did to prepare for our date?

"You look... Beautiful." Nico muttered with pure adoration in his eyes. "I think I can speak for both of us when I say that. So now that we know our opinions of each other, how about some dinner?"

At his side, he pulled up his phone and quickly sent a text. Not a minute later Robert came out of the back room for employees with food ready on plates. There wasn't an actual kitchen in back, just some basic necessities. I looked over the food before it reached the table and realized it was sushi.

They had ordered my favorites and a variety of others that I wasn't familiar with.

"All for me? Where's your food?" I greedily asked.

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