65 (END)

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~hello before you read the chapter. I'm sorry if I upload this late. I just want the chapter to finish at once. Like 4000 words
2 weeks of writing this but hope you enjoy
- author koooooookieeeeeee 😊

Jungkook POV

We were walking back but I needed some support while walking cause my right arm and my left feg got kick.

Mingyu: You ok boss.

Jungkook: Yeah, but I can still walk you know.

Mingyu: what a lier.... I know your weak you just hide it.

Our little conversation was stop when I heard a gunshots. I widen my eyes.


I felt her presence from the back and I turn around Lisa was shot 2 times.

Jungkook: LISA...

I widen my eyes more as she fell on the cold floor. I look at to Minhyeon who was about to stand up with smirk on his face.

Minhyeon: If I can't have you... Then no one can

He said while standing up. I look over to Lisa who was bleeding very bad.

Somi: Shit...

Somi was finding a way to help Lisa and she had no choice to call the ambulance cause if she didn't Lisa might be gone . I feel like I can't move when I saw her bleeding badly.

That's when the time when my world became dark.....when the love of your life saved you from death.

My anger couldn't stop me. I stand up for myself. when he was trying to stand up, I give a big punch to him and he falls. I kicked the gun he was holding away from Minhyeon.

Jungkook; That's for making my life miserable

one more hard punch

Jungkook; That's for Lisa....That's for my kids

I couldn't stop punching him. No one is stopping me for now. He was bleeding now just on the lips. It's not enough for me.

Mingyu; Yo stop bro you're killing him stop we to go now.

He was trying to stop me and I can't just stop myself when he grabs my hand making me stop.

Mingyu; You think doing that can make Lisa happy? We should go now before she bleeds more.

Minhyeon; You.... deserve it

he whispered even though I can hear it  and he laughed sarcastically. I was about to give him another punch but Mingyu stopped me.

Mingyu: Stop Jungkook

Jungkook: Why not this son of a bitch is testing me.... You'll suffer in consequence anyway.

I stood away from him. I walked to Lisa and checked her. I check her neck for some pulse .. It's still beating she's alive.

Jungkook: Why did you have to do that.... I'm gonna blaim myself again for this.

Jungkook; Mingyu, call someone to take the kids home. I don't want them to witness this.

Mingyu; Noted boss

Jungkook: Just hang on there Lisa and don't leave us....

I put her in my lap. I don't like this. I don't want to lose someone I love again like... my dad.

I saw Mingyu putting Minhyeon on one corner. He was tied on a chair so he couldn't move.

???; Jungkook.... I widen my eyes as I saw Lisa speaking weakly.

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